Wednesday 4/1/20

Good Morning 4th Grade 🌞!

-Both Math Groups ➗➕➖✖: There's no Eureka Math lesson Wednesday. Instead, spend 30 minutes in IXL practicing starred skills in section P, and then move on to Q. Skills P13, P16, P17 are are most aligned with our last Eureka lesson, and remember to ⭐read the explanation⭐ if you make a mistake. Un-Group should move ahead to skills in sections Q, R and S. If you don't see the starred skills, make sure you're signed in, and click the refresh πŸ”„ button at the top left toolbar in Chrome.

-Lexia: There are no assigned minutes on Lexia Core 5 today.

-Writing: Have you written the "One Fun Thing" email that was assigned Tuesday? It's due Friday, but you can send it in early if you finish before then.

-Reading: We'll continue with Everything on a Waffle on Thursday.  Today, let's get caught up with Music, Spanish, and Art activities posted below.

-Ms. Tara's music class video for 4th Grade:

-Spanish: Use Google classroom to keep up with Spanish work. Preguntas? Email Mrs. Molina at

-Art class message to 4th Grade from Ms. Katie:
Dear Parents And Kids
Hi you guys!
I made an Art project hand out for you, something easy to make that will add to your toy collection. Hopefully, you’ll be doing Art at LeastπŸ€“once a week- finding a mellow place to work in your household. The materials needed are simple- set yourself up like in the art room- with tools, an art basket of some kind to keep stuff in, and a willingness to clean everything up after. There are 2 parts to this handout- look at both before starting to make sure you understand the end result you are going for. Have fun! Use whatever paper you have that works best...Wiggle! Take a picture- can send
My email is


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