Friday 4/3/20

Good Morning 4th Grade ๐ŸŒž!

-Spelling and Vocabulary: Have a parent give you a paper ๐Ÿ“quiz, or take one at Spelling City ๐Ÿ—ฝ๐Ÿ™

-Reading ๐Ÿ“š: Read chapter 15 in Everything on a Waffle, "Everybody Goes Home," the final chapter in the novel. Write ✍ a summary. As before, look up ๐Ÿ”Žnew words on and keep track ๐Ÿ›คof definitions after the summaries.   Next week, we'll be doing some writing activities about the novel, so if you're behind or missed a chapter(s), please get caught up and complete them all today or over the weekend. Also, I'm still happy to post those delicious Extra Credit recipe pics๐Ÿช๐Ÿข๐Ÿ—๐ŸŒถ here. Get cooking, and send them in if you can! 

If you enjoyed the novel, the sequel to Everything on a Waffle is called One Year in Coal Harbor, and it's available on Amazon or or wherever you buy books. Here's the link to Amazon:

-Both Math Groups➕➖✖➗: Spend 30 minutes practicing fraction skills in IXL Math.

-PE๐Ÿ‹️‍♂️:  Spend 30 minutes moving outside in the fresh air and sunshine☀️. Walk your dog๐Ÿ•, play catch๐Ÿˆ⚾️, jump on the trampoline, set up an obstacle course, walk/ jog laps around your yard๐Ÿƒ‍♂️๐Ÿ‘จ‍๐Ÿฆฝ๐Ÿƒ‍♀️...  Check out the Cosmic Kids link and try a yoga activity๐Ÿคธ‍♂️๐Ÿง˜‍♀️.  Let me know how it goes!


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