
Showing posts from November, 2018

For Thursday:

-Math: Complete the Lesson 7 homework, p. 46, 47, 48. -Spelling and Vocabulary: Written work is due.

Spelling and Vocabulary 11/26/18

1. tyrant 2. taxation 3. representation 4. boycott 5. independent 6. revolution 7. petition 8. intolerable 9. monarchy 10. democracy 11. desayuno (breakfast) 12. almuerzo (lunch) 13. cena (dinner) 14. No taxation without representation!

Over the weekend:

-Math: Keep practicing the X facts up to the 12's. Fix the ones you missed or skipped on Friday's quiz, and finish the Five Minute Frenzy on the backside of the yellow quiz page. -Reminder: Since the Taos district schools are off this week, there is no bus service or school lunches on Monday or Tuesday, Nov. 19-20. Bring your own lunch. -Reminder: Ski Program paperwork and payments are due on Tuesday, November 20.

For Thursday:

-Math: Finish the 5 Minute Frenzy practice page we started today in class, and also the multiplication fact practice on the back.

For Wednesday:

-Reading: Finish up the comprehension/ vocabulary quiz for My Land Sings , and bring it in Tuesday to hand in. Hint: Use the glossary at the back of the book if you need help with the Spanish terms.

Spelling and Vocabulary 11/13/18

1. sanctuary 2. attentive 3. ally 4. French and Indian War 5. quarrel 6. capture 7. victory 8. defeat 9. colony 10. immigrant 11. equation 12. grande (large) 13. pequeño (small) 14. Birds of a feather flock together

For Tuesday:

-Math: Complete homework p. 22. -4th grade basketball team practice will take place at the TCS gym on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 5:30-6:30, starting tomorrow: Tues. November 6. All students in the class are welcome to come and join the team. Go Hawks!

Spelling and Vocabulary 11/5/18

1. factor 2. crisis 3. colonist 4. slavery 5. candidate 6. veteran 7. clarify 8. dispute 9. influence 10. Great Britain 11. hablar (to talk) 12. nadar (to swim) 13. On the warpath

Over the weekend:

-Science: If you didn't like your grade on the science test, correct your mistakes over the weekend and hand it in Monday for a 10 point boost. You can always use your science packet and circulatory system coloring sheets to help. -Ski and Snowboard Program forms and info went home with students today. Forms and payments are due before Thanksgiving Break, November 21.