
Showing posts from October, 2017

Spelling and Vocabulary List 10/30/17

1. aorta 2. red blood cells 3. white blood cells 4. plasma 5. platelets 6. valve 7. alveoli 8. deoxygenated 9. exchange 10. plaque 11. viento (wind) 12. nieve (snow) 13. Have a heart.

Over the long weekend:

-Math: Complete p. 219-222 in My Math for Monday. -PT Conferences: My schedule for Friday is now full. If you'd like to meet, but didn't set an appointment for Friday, please email me and we can plan a time to talk after school from 3-4 in the coming weeks. -Halloween!: Costumes are welcome on Tuesday. No weapons, please. Parents are invited to come check out our K-5 costume parade at 2:00 . Afterward, we'll have a little party in the classroom. Students may bring in a healthy snack to share. No candy or soda - I'm sure they'll be getting their fair share of sweets after school! -The pool is closed on Tuesday for Halloween, so there are no swim lessons for our class this week.

For Thursday:

-Field Trip: The bus will leave for Mesa Prieta at 8:20. Remember to dress for the weather (cool in the morning, warmer in the afternoon), wear sturdy sneakers, and bring a lunch and a water bottle. -New After School Program: Starting November 2nd, we'll be offering an after-school program for TCS students from 3:00-5:00 Mon-Thurs and 1:00-5:00 on Fridays with the Field Institute of Taos. The cost is $5 per hour. Students have a flyer with more information in their take-home folder. -Parents, a new lunch-ordering process will begin in November. Please see the information that went home with students today.

For Wednesday:

-Math: Complete both sides of the 5 Minute Frenzy multiplication practice page. -Our giant elk heart dissection went really well today. Many thanks to Dr. Happy Carmona-Yong for leading the lesson, and to Iris and Jeff Quintana for donating the heart for science!

For Tuesday:

-Math: Complete p. 213-214 in My Math. -Spelling: No list this week. -Swim lessons continue on Tuesday afternoon. Remember to bring in your suit, a towel, and goggles. We will dismiss to parents and busses at 2:50 at the TYFC, like we did last Tuesday. -Field Trip!: Our re-scheduled field trip to Mesa Prieta, an archaeological preserve near Velarde, will be this Thursday, October 26. We'll leave school at about 8:20 and return by 2:30 for a normal dismissal. Permission slips have already been collected, and thanks to generous support from the Taos Archaeological Society, there is no charge for this trip.

Progress Reports

-Parents, first marking period report cards went home with students today. Please sign the yellow slip to verify that you received the report. -Conferences: There's no school on Friday, October 27th for Parent-Teacher Conferences. I’ll be scheduling meetings with many of you, and I meet with some parents fairly regularly, so conferences are not mandatory for all students at this time. If I haven’t contacted you and you’d like to meet, please email me at to make an appointment. I’m also available to meet after school from 3-4 pm in the coming weeks, if that works better for your schedule. -Have a great weekend!

For Thursday:

-Math: Complete both sides of the multiplication fact practice page. -Spelling/Vocabulary: Written work is due. Study for the practice quiz.

For Tuesday:

-Math: Complete p. 183-184 in My Math. -Swim lessons continue on Tuesday afternoon. Remember to bring in your suit, a towel, and goggles. We will dismiss to parents and busses at 2:50 at the TYFC , like we did last Tuesday.

Spelling and Vocabulary 10/16/17

1. specific 2. vague 3. percent 4. circulatory system 5. arteries 6. veins 7. capillaries 8. oxygen 9. carbon dioxide 10. heart 11. lungs 12. corazon (heart) 13. sangre (blood) 14. Blood is thicker than water.

Have a great Fall Break!

-Reading: Read 20 minutes or more each day of break, and keep track of what you've covered on the Fall Break Reading Log. -Math: Practice your fluency and speed in multiplication and division facts up to the 12's. Use flash cards, websites like Moby Max and Math Fact Genius, and printable sheets. See the Links>>> -Have really fun break! See you October 23.

Friday's Field Trip is POSTPONED

-Unfortunately, our Friday field trip to Mesa Prieta has been postponed due to rain. The trails are just too muddy right now for a large group, and the Mesa Prieta staff called to say that we need to reschedule for another, drier day. Sorry guys! We'll get down there soon. On Friday we'll have a regular school day, dismissing at 1:00 as usual. -Reading: Superfudge book reviews and comprehension questions are due Friday if you did not finish them today in class.

For Thursday:

-Math: P. 177-178. -Spelling/ Vocabulary: Written work is due. Study for the quiz. -Reading: Finish any missing chapter summaries from the novel Superfudge . Fix up your mistakes in spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Make sure your summaries are clear, neat, and legible. You may re-write the summaries on your own lined paper if necessary. -Weather-permitting, we'll be having an evacuation drill on Thursday afternoon. All students K-8 will walk back and forth to the TYFC. Please wear socks and sneakers for the walk. -Permission slips for our Friday Mesa Prieta field trip went home with students today. Parents, please fill those out and send them back to school on Thursday. Thanks to the generosity of the Taos Archaeological Society in paying for our bus transportation, this is a FREE trip.

For Tuesday:

-Math p. 165-166. -Swim lessons start Tuesday. Don't forget your suit, towel, goggles, and permission slip. Parents, please pick students up at Taos Youth and Family Center at 2:50. -Field Trip!: On Friday 10/6, we'll be taking a field trip to Mesa Prieta, an archaeological preserve near Velarde. I'll send home more information and a permission slip on Tuesday.

Spelling and Vocabulary List 10/2/17

1. factor 2. multiple 3. dividend 4. divisor 5. folklore 6. heritage 7. opponent 8. traits 9. motivation 10. indigenous 11. Ancestral Pueblo 12. petroglyph 13. Tengo hambre. (I’m hungry.) 14. Tengo sed. (I’m thirsty.) 15. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.