Thursday and Friday 4/30-5/1 (TWO days)

Good Morning 4th Grade πŸŒ„! These are your assignments for the next 2 days, Thursday and Friday:

-Main Math Group➕➖✖➗: For Thursday, Watch the Module 5 Lesson 27 YouTube videoπŸ“Ί in the links, comparing fractions greater than 1 by creating common numerators or denominators. Then, complete the Lesson 27 Problem Set p. 133-134.  It may help to watch the video a second time if you're having trouble. Don't get stuck or frustrated 😟😠. If there's something you just don't get, it's ok πŸ‘Œto skip it and go on to the next item. Parents, please see the video lesson and/or the Eureka Parent Tip Sheet in the links if you need support.   Extra time? Spend 20 minutes working on IXL skills in Section R.  

On Friday, spend 30 minutes on IXL Section R.

-Math Un-Group 𝝅: On Thursday, skip Lessons 2 and 3. Watch the video for Module 7, Lesson 4. Complete the problem set p. 19-20.  Then spend 20 minutes working on IXL skills in Section N.

On Friday, skip Lesson 5. Watch the video for Mod 7, Lesson 6. Complete the Problem Set p. 29-30. Then 20 minutes on IXL Section N.

-Reading πŸ“š: On Thursday, Read Chapters 31-34 in Holes, pages 141-154. Write your own titles on the yellow Chapter Title sheet.   Guiding questions to be thinking about as you read: What did Zero do in Chapter 30 that was so dramatic and pivotal? Why do you think he did that? What does Stanley do in Chapter 32 to try to help Zero 🚚? What shape does he see in the mountain far off in the distance in Chapter 34?  πŸŒ„πŸ‘ What might that mean?

For Friday, spend 30 minutes on Lexia Reading.  If you've already completed all 18 levels of Lexia (Sofia, Aidan, and Angelina), then spend 30 minutes independent reading in one of the other books you got in the brown paper bag.  Some of you are really, really close to finishing Lexia altogether, so "there's no time like the present." Time to Level-Up!πŸ”Ί️

-Spelling and Vocabulary: Written work is due Thursday via Google Docs. Take a practice quiz at Spelling City. On Friday, have a parent give you a paper quiz or take one online at Spelling City.

⭐⭐⭐Video Conference Class Meeting πŸ“ΉπŸ’»: Our Class Video Meeting is Thursday at 10:30 a.m. on Google Meets. Join us to say hi, check in with each other, see a hands-on science demonstration, and read a chapter or two from Holes
Like last time, I sent you all invitations with the meeting link to your school gmail accounts . So check your school gmail,
follow the link, and join us at 10:30 today!  Let me know if you don't see the invitation or have any trouble getting in.

Meeting reminders and etiquette: Since there could be 27 of us talking, please mute your microphone at first. Then, we'll take turns talking, and you can un-mute it and turn on your mic when it's your turn.  That way we don't interrupt and talk over each other. 

No Chat this week - the chat/ side texting got pretty far off-topic and distracting last time, so this week let's leave that feature alone. If you have something to share or ask, please raise your hand ✋, just like you would in class πŸ™‹. If you want to catch up with friends after the meeting, that's OK πŸ‘, but please take it to Google Hangouts πŸ’¬ or call them on the phone πŸ“±. 

If you like Zoom, and want a grid-view of everyone, you'll need to download the grid extension app HERE.

-PE πŸ’ͺπŸƒ‍♀️🀸‍♂️🀸‍♀️🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️πŸ‘Ÿ: Don't forget to get out and EXERCISE every day. Keep track of your minutes on Coach's Activity Log that he emailed out to parents.

-Over the weekend: If you're caught up with all of your reading, math, science, spelling, and Spanish work, then there's no weekend assignment 😁.  If you're not caught up in those subjects yet, spend some time ⌚ making up that missing work. 


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