Tuesday 4/14/20

Good Morning 4th Grade 🌞!

-Reading📚: Today we'll be starting the novel Holes by Louis Sachar.  It's about a very unlucky boy, Stanley Yelnats, who gets punished for a crime he did not commit.  

The setting for most the novel is west Texas, but some parts also take place in the nation of Latvia, in eastern Europe.  The time setting for the story shifts around a lot, from the present-day to the 1800's and back. It's an exciting, suspenseful, action-filled book with great characters. It's one of my favorites, and I hope you enjoy it too. 

The main themes or ideas in the story are crime & punishment, guilt & innocence, luck, destiny, and redemption. As you read the chapters, think about these themes and how they play out in the story in various ways.

On Tuesday, read chapters 1-4, pages 3-15.  This book has 50 chapters, some are very short and some are longer. For this novel, I'm not asking you to write chapter summaries. Instead, I'd like you to give each chapter your own creative title. You can keep track of these chapter titles, and the new vocabulary terms on the sheet I gave you in the book bag last week.

🎧 📖 I found a good read-aloud audio-version of Holes on YouTube that I posted in the Links. If it helps, you are welcome to use this read-aloud link to help you read the chapters. However, if you do use it, it's required that you also read along in your own actual book as you listen on headphones.

-Missing reading work: I still have not received the comprehension questions from Everything on a Waffle from the following students yet: Piper, Santiago, Jonathan, Anastacia, Erick, and Gabe.  We're on to the next book now, so finish that work up as soon as possible, and share it with me on Google Docs. When you share it, I'll grade it 4, 3, 2, or 1 with a comment on the doc so you can see how you did.

-Math Main Group➕➖✖➗: Spend 30 minutes in IXL practicing the skills in sections Q and R.

-Math Un-Group: Finish up the Module 5 test. For grading the test, we have a couple options. You can have a parent take cell phone pics of the pages and email them to me, or I can send your parent a link to the online answer key, and they can score it at home and let me know the result.  Let me know which works better for you.  

If you've finished the test, you can start watching the Mod 6 YouTube videos in the links, and working on Mod 6 Lessons 1 and 2 about decimals in metric measurement.

-Spelling and Vocabulary: Late start, so written work this week will be due Friday 🙂.  

1. judge
2. destiny
3. desolate
4. innocent
5. guilty
6. theme
7. ruthless
8. generous
9. excavate
10. Actions speak louder than words.


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