
Showing posts from August, 2019

Owls, and Returning Student Paperwork:

-On Thursday, we had a special guest hanging out in the apricot tree near the gym! Several 4th graders noticed this tiny owl sitting perfectly still on a shady branch deep inside the leaves. In class, they researched owl species in New Mexico, and then narrowed it down to 2 possibilities: the Burrowing Owl and the Northern Saw-Whet Owl. Last night, I consulted 2 orinthological experts: my former high school biology teacher who is a life-long birder, and a friend who is a field biologist with the New Mexico State Game and Fish Department. Both decisively said it was a Saw-Whet . Great job, 4th grade! For more information about Owls and birding in general, see the All About Birds site in the links. Have a great Labor Day Weekend! -Parents, please fill out the packet of forms that went home with students today, and return them to Mr. Bonner as soon as you can (no later than Friday, September 6). New students have already filled these out. Thanks!

Parents, we need your help!

Taos Charter School is renewing its charter for another five years. As part of the charter renewal process, we need at least 80% of households who had children enrolled during the 2018 2019 school year to come to the office and sign the renewal petition. Please make plans to come by in the morning or after school and sign to give your support for the continued existence of our school. We appreciate your help!

PARCC Scores and Lunch Forms

-PARCC Scores: Parents, today I gave out student results from the annual PARCC tests that they took last April in 3rd grade. There are 2 pages in the parent report, one for reading/ ELA and one for math, and they should be inside their Take-Home Folder. Please email me at if you have any questions about the data. -Lunch forms also went home with students today. For our school to qualify for various state and federal funds, it's important that ALL students have this form completed, including those who may not qualify for free or reduced lunch, and kids who never even eat school lunch. Please take some time to fill those out, and return them to school as soon as you can.

Welcome to the 4th Grade Class Blog!

Hello to all the incoming 4th grade students and parents at Taos Charter! I hope you've all have had a fantastic summer break. I really enjoyed mine too, but I'm glad to be back working in the classroom and excited to kick off another school year with this new group of kids. School starts Thursday, August 15th at 8:15 AM. Fourth grade supply lists are available in the office or at the TCS website in the "For Parents" section. It's not necessary for everyone to have all the supplies on the first day. Pencils, folders, and composition books are the most important items. Until then, get outside, have some fun, and make the most of your last days of break. I'll see you bright and early on Thursday! Thanks for taking the time to find and read our 4th grade blog! Please be sure to bookmark it into your links. -Mr. Michael Bonner email: