Independent Work for Tuesday:

 -Math➕➖⨉➗ : Complete p. 283-284, Sets A, B, C, D, E on factors and multiples.

-Reading 📚 : Write your To the Top/ Moonwalk Compare and Contrast Essay -- Use your lists of 4 similarities/ 4 differences that you wrote yesterday to write a 2 paragraph essay on Google Docs that compares and contrasts the 2 stories.

In the first paragraph, discuss 2 important similarities. Be specific. Give evidence from the texts to prove your comparisons.

In the second paragraph, discuss 2 important differences. Be specific. Give evidence from the texts to prove your contrasts.

Each paragraph should be at least 5 sentences long, and include specific information from the booklets to prove the similarities and differences you chose.

-Spelling and Vocabulary: Spend 20 minutes continuing on this week's written work, which is assigned for you to do online this week using Google Classroom. Use the Kids' Dictionary, or the Flashcards Activity at Vocabulary A-Z to help with definitions for this week's list.


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