For Friday and over Winter Break:

 -Math➕➖⨉➗ : Spend 20 minutes practicing division skills on IXL Math in Section E (E1, E2, E22, E23). If you have trouble logging in,

1. Try to log in without the 475 at the end of your username. 

 2. If that doesn't work, try adding 282 to the end of your username (instead of 475). 

3. If that works, allow Chrome to change your username & password so you don't have to enter those new usernames every time. Your password should be the same as it's been all year. 

4. If this still doesn't work, let me know in Hangouts or in an email, and I'll ask IXL for help.

-Reading 📚 Spend 20 minutes practicing skills on your level of Lexia Core 5.  Please also use Lexia over break when you have a chance to keep honing your readings skills!

-Spelling and Vocabulary: Take a spelling quiz at home on the new quiz packet.

- History 🇬🇧 🇺🇸: I was SO impressed by all the history presentations today! We've seen some seriously great work so far. If you didn't get a chance to present yours today, you'll get to when we return to online classes on Monday, January 4th. If you haven't quite finished yours yet, just follow the steps on the Project Checklist and finish it up over break so you'll be ready to go.

-Send a Chromebook selfie!  Help me update our bitmoji classroom on our class blog by sending me a picture of yourself on Hangouts to add to the room.  I'll try to post those this weekend. (Thanks to everyone who's sent those in already.)

-Digital Lunch is with Michelle today at 11:30, and open to anyone who wants to attend!
-Current Events: Watch this week's Nightly News Kids' Edition.
-On a personal note, I'd like to share that I'm very pleased, and proud of how well this class is doing so far this year, despite all of the difficult circumstances. 
To all the parents and grandparents, thank you so much for the HUGE amounts of off-screen support you've been providing your kids during this strange semester. Remote learning is a big challenge for all of us, and I know how frustrating and confusing it can be at times, but none one of it would be possible without your guidance and help at home. 

This is a Smart, Kind, Hard-Working, Resilient group of young people. These may seem like dark days, but these kids all have futures that are so bright! And they'll be stronger individuals because of this historic struggle. I'm truly grateful to be their teacher this year, and I enjoy getting the chance to work and interact with them each day. 
I look forward to a positive and productive second semester of learning in the New Year.  
I wish you all a fun, safe, restful holiday season with your families, and a happy, healthy, successful New Year in 2021!  
Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año Nuevo!   ☮️  MB


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