Spelling and Vocabulary 9/12/22

 1. homophone

2. clothes/ close

3. break/ brake

4. buy/ by

5. hear/ here

6. choose/ chews

7. right/ write

8. sum/ some

9. whole/ hole

10. would/ wood

11. peek/ peak

12. mail/ male

13. fair/ fare

14. (your own pair of


_________ / ________

This is a different kind of list this week. Practice each word pair 3 times.  Example: "clothes, clothes, clothes/ close, close, close." Also, let's skip the definitions this week. Write good, clear example sentences that show you know the difference between each pair.  Use the Dictionary to help. Each pair can be combined into 1 sentence if you can. Example: "She came around the bend, and got her first peek at Wheeler Peak." Or they can be split into 2 sentences. Example: "Please close the door when you leave. He loved his new school clothes."  The list is up, and ready to practice at Vocabulary A-Z.


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