Wednesday assignments:
-Email Practice #2: Write an email to a classmate. Check your school Gmail, and you'll find a new one from me. Read it through, and follow those directions to send an email to a classmate, in which you ask a question. Send it off to them. Later on, check your email to see if they have replied to you. Feel free to write them back and forth as many times as you like, and don't forget the Emojis! 😎👽😵
-Thursday's Show-and-Tell check-in will be a special one. Find an object that makes you feel proud 😁 or happy 😊 that you can share with the class and explain why. Examples could include things like an award or trophy, a work of art, something you made or built, a special family picture, a piece of sports equipment that you've worked hard using, a musical instrument that you're learning to play...
-Reading: Feel free to keep reading Tales of a Forth Grade Nothing. We left off in Chapter 2, p. 18. The online book is available to you on the bookshelf of our Bitmoji classroom. You can read ahead as much as you like. We'll pick it up tomorrow together from where we left off today.
-At 9:00 Thursday morning, go to our Google Classroom, click on the video "Meet Link" inside the banner near the top, and join our Meet. I am available to help this afternoon or before the Meet if you need it. Just send me an email, and I can call you or go to video to help out or answer questions individually. Plan to meet with us at 9:00 a.m. every day this week, always using that same link.