Friday Assignments
-Writing Skills: Complete p. 3 in your Writing Skills book that we started using today. Be sure to read the directions first. Let me know on Hangouts if you have any questions.
-Math: Log in to IXL Math and spend 20 minutes practicing the ⭐starred skills⭐ in 4th Grade, Section A.
-Reading: Today, spend 20 minutes practicing reading skills on Lexia.
-Digital Lunch Tables: For Friday, I Invited: Eva, James, Natalia, Teya, Sophie, Kiana, Olivia, and Daniel V. Hope you can all make it! We'll meet at 11:30 on our Google Classroom Meet Link, same one we use every day for class. On Friday, I'll invite another small table group. These should be fun! 🍔🍎🍤🍜🍳🍴🌽🍉😄
-Monday's Class Meeting will start at 8:30 a.m. Set those watches ⌚ so you won't be late!
Have a great weekend!