For Monday:
-Math➕➖⨉➗ : Complete p. 187-188, #5-15 in your math book using the long division algorithm: Divide > Multiply > Subtract > Bring Down > (repeat)...
-Spelling and Vocabulary: Spend 20 minutes getting started on this week's written work. If you have time, go to Vocabulary A-Z to use the games and activities to start working with this new list.
-Reading 📚: Finish reading Chapter 2 of the novel Drita, My Homegirl p. 9-12. Then write a short chapter summary on your purple summary sheet.
-Digital Lunch Table for Monday is with Michelle at 11:30. Invited today are Sophia, Gianna, Daniel V., Teya, Justin, Natalia, and Avran
-Parents, I'll be emailing out 2nd quarter progress reports today, so please look for that in your email. As always, let me know if you have any questions, concerns, or feedback.
-Tuesday's Class Meeting will start at 8:30 a.m. See you then!