For Thursday
-Math➕➖⨉➗ : Complete p. 63-64, ODDS in your math book.
-Spelling and Vocabulary: Finish up this week's written work if you haven't already. Spend 15 minutes on the games and activities at Spelling City to practice the words and definitions. Take a practice quiz.
-Reading📚 : 1. Write a story summary for "Dulcinea" in My Land Sings. Add Spanish words and definitions from the story into the list at the end. Use the glossary at the end oth e book to help with that. 2. Spend 20 minutes working on your level of Lexia Core 5 reading.
-Fun T-Shirt Friday: Wear a funny or favorite t-shirt to our Friday class to talk about during the Icebreaker.
-Friday's Class Meeting will start at 8:30 a.m. See you then!