Monday Assignments and Weekly Spelling and Vocabulary

Good Morning 4th Grade Students and Parents 🌞,
After discussions with Mr. Jones, fellow teachers, and class parents I've decided to reduce πŸ“‰the daily assignment workload 🚚for students, and try to find a balance ⚖ between online learning πŸ‘©‍πŸ’» and book-based activities πŸ“–.  We're asking that students put in about 2 hours per day total in home-learning activities, including Spanish work. They do not have to go beyond that. So if your son or daughter has put in those 2 hours, it's OK with me that they stop πŸ›‘ for the day and then pick up the unfinished material the following day. I welcome your feedback as we work together to foster student learning and growth in an entirely new way. As always, please email me πŸ“§ with any questions or concerns. MB

-Reading: Read chapter 13, "Fire!" πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯in Everything on a Waffle, p. 118-124. Write a summary in your packet, and keep track of new vocabulary. 

-Recipes: I recently tried the "Cherry PieπŸ’ Pork Chops" recipe at the end of chapter 13. It sounds a little weird, but they came out good! I also made the chapter 2 asparagus recipe as a side-dish:
Keep on cooking 🍴 and sending those pics - it's Extra Credit 🌟 for you, and we all enjoy seeing what you've made. Check out the pics of food that students made this weekend in the "Yes, Please!" section below ⬇️.

-Lexia: There's no Lexia Reading assignment for Monday.

-Both Math Groups ➗➕➖✖: There's no Eureka Math lesson Monday. Instead, spend 30 minutes in IXL practicing starred skills in section P, and then move on to Q. Please work in consecutive order through the skills in that section, and remember to ⭐read the explanation⭐ if you make a mistake. Un-Group should move ahead to skills in sections Q, R and S. If you don't see the starred skills, make sure you're signed in, and click the refresh πŸ”„ button at the top left toolbar in Chrome. 

-Un-Group, also please send Mr. Thayer a short email at to check-in with him and tell him what lesson you're up to. He's available to work πŸ›  with you remotely and answer your questions online as they come up.

-Spelling and Vocabulary List for the week of March 30, 2020:

For definitions, use the link and take notes ✏ on the meaning of each word. As usual, written work is due by Thursday. Please do your work on Google Docs and share it with me when you're finished. Practice typing each word five 5️⃣ times, and use each in a creative sentence that shows you know what the word means. On Friday, have a parent give you a paper quiz or take a quiz on Spelling City. This week’s list is up and available to practice on Spelling City. You can also find definitions there, and even print up this week's list and definitions if you have access to a printer πŸ–¨. There are a number of students who have still not shared their written work from last week on Google Docs πŸ€”. If you're one of those students, please share that work ASAP ⏳.

1. mannequin
2. stalk
3. colleagues
4. realtor
5. severe
6. souvenir
7. irritable
8. collapse
9. sanitize
10. ingredient


Unknown said…
witch "serve" do you mean?

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