During the Closure:

-Public schools in NM will be closed until Monday, April 6. During the 2 weeks of the closure after spring break, students will be expected to work at home and participate in online learning activities to keep up their academic progress. 4th graders should have their math books, a writing skills book, a novel we're reading together (Everything on a Waffle), and other reading materials such as library books, Scholastic News and National Geographic Explorer. We'll also be using the following websites and online accounts: IXL Math, Khan Academy, Lexia Reading, ReadWorks, Spelling City, and PBS Learning Media. All of your log-ins and passwords should be available for these websites if you’re signed in on your school Google account: firstnamelastinitial@taoscharterschool.org You know the password.

Starting on Monday, March 23 I'll be posting assignments here on the class blog. I'm asking students to put in about 2 hours of work per school day. If you need help I'll be available to answer questions via email: mbonner@taoscharterschool.org

I’ll see you back at school on April 6. Until then, stay safe and healthy, and don’t forget to have fun every day!

Buena suerte y salud! MB

**UPDATE 3/17/20: Students and parents, please take this survey from Kit Carson Internet. They may be able to supply internet service and Chromebooks for kids who need them during the closure. https://kitcarson.com/internet/internet-form-for-students


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