Thursday 5/14/20 and Friday 5/15/20

Good Morning 4th Grade πŸ˜ƒ πŸŒ„! These are your assignments for 2 days, Thursday and Friday:

-Main Math Group➕➖✖➗: For Thursday, skip lessons 36, 37, 38. Watch the Module 5 Lesson 39 YouTube videoπŸ“Ί in the links, solve word problems involving multiplying a fraction with a whole number. Then, complete the Lesson 39 Problem Set p.185-186.  It may help to watch the video a second time if you're having trouble.  Extra time? Spend 20 minutes working on IXL skills S5 and S6.  

Here's another video lesson for 39 from Eureka which may be helpful:

On Friday, start the Module 5 Test. It was in the brown paper bag from some weeks ago. As you take it, you may go back and review videos πŸ“Ί and problem sets from the module if that helps πŸ‘. If after an hour πŸ•, you're not finished with it, that's OK. Put it away and you can complete it Monday 😎. Make sure your name is on it, and keep it someplace safe. You'll be handing this in next week.

**UPDATE: On the Mod 5 Test, circle problems #1, #5, #7A, 7B, 7C. Those are from lessons that we skipped, and are EXTRA CREDIT items that are optional. If you get them incorrect, they won't be counted. If you get them right, I'll give you Bonus Points.

-Math Un-Group 𝝅: Each day, spend 25 minutes working on IXL skills in 5th grade, sections A and B.

-Reading πŸ“š: Thursday - If you haven't completed the novel yet, finish reading it. It's got a great ending!  If you're all done, you can proceed to Friday's assignment.

Friday- When you're done reading all 50 chapters, fill out the Book Review Form and answer the 3 Comprehension Questions as fully as you can online in Google Forms. You may use the book and your chapter titles to help.  When you're all done with the BR and the questions, take some time to edit and revise your writing. When you're satisfied that it's your best work, submit it and I'll be able to read your answers. You need to be logged in to your  gmail account for the link to work.  This is due by Tuesday, May 19 
>>> Click here to begin! <<<

-Spelling and Vocabulary: Written work is due Thursday via Google Docs if you haven't already shared it. Take a practice quiz at Spelling City. On Friday, have a parent give you a paper quiz or take one online at Spelling City.

⭐⭐⭐Video Conference Class Meeting πŸ“ΉπŸ’»: Our Class Video Meeting is Thursday at 10:30 a.m. on Google Meets. Join us to say hi, check in with each other, ask a question, and discuss our end-of-the-year plans and activities.

I sent you all invitations with the meeting link to your school gmail accounts . So check your school gmail, follow the link, and join us at 10:30 today!  Let me know if you don't see the invitation or have any trouble getting in.


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