Tuesday 5/19/20

Good Morning 4th Grade 🌞!

-All Subjects: Keep finishing up any work that you may still need to share on Google, or hand in Thursday. Email me or send a message on Google Hangouts if you have any questions. If you're missing any of this work, don't stress out 🚫😖, just complete what you can and hand it in 😎. The most important 4th marking period assignments are: 

Holes Book Review (Google Forms), 
Holes chapter title sheet (yellow paper form), 
Waffle novel questions (Google docs), 
Waffle chapter summaries (white paper form), 
Module 5 math test (white paper form), 
Weekly written spelling/ vocabulary work (Google docs), 
Science Report (Google slides, picture of your posterboard, or written report). 

-Third Grade Virtual Living Wax Museum: Check out Third Grade's Online Museum that Mrs. Martinez shared with everyone at TCS. They did a really great job, very fun. You'll like!: https://flipgrid.com/b7ef2cba

-Class Meeting: Let's have our final class video meeting on Google Meets on Thursday, May 21 at 10:30 as usual.  I'll send out invitation links on Wednesday to your school Gmail. Check your email so you can join us!

-Materials Return and Pick-up:  
Dear parents and students,

We're into our last week of school, and I've planned a time for you to bring in the books and materials that I need to collect, and also for you to pick up the personal belongings that you left in your desks and cubbies.  The day and time for this exchange for our class is Thursday, May 21, anytime between 1:00 to 3:00 pm.

To abide by our New Mexico virus safety protocols, this exchange will take place at TCS outside at the school bus turnaround. The school itself is still closed, so students and parents are not yet allowed to enter the building. For each of you, I'll pack up your personal belongings in a brown paper bag with your name on it, and place it outside at the curb on the turnaround for you to pick up, just like we did back in April. They'll be out there waiting for you at 1:00.

Items to RETURN to school list:
At home this week, please place the following items into a grocery bag to return to school. Paper grocery bags are preferable, if you have one. Please write your name and "4th Grade" on the bag:

1. Holes novel, and yellow chapter title sheet.
2. Everything on a Waffle novel, and chapter summaries.
3. Module 5 Math book, and Mod 5 test
4. Drita My Homegirl novel
5. TCS Library books that you have checked out.
6. Classroom library books
7. Paper spelling quizzes (if that's the way you took them)
8. Spanish workbook

**Parents, when you drive up, you'll find your child's bag at the curb, and just exchange it for the bag you're returning.

Items to KEEP list:  Please keep the following materials at home:
1. Writing Skills workbook
2. Module 6/7 Math book
3. Scholastic News magazines
4. National Geographic Explorer magazines

If you have any questions about the exchange, ask me via email or Google Hangouts.

Thanks!  MB ☺


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