Over the weekend:

-Report Cards: Parents, progress report for the first marking period went home with students today. Please take some time to discuss the grades and comments with your son or daughter. There's no school on Friday, October 24th for Parent-Teacher Conferences. I’ve already scheduled meetings with some of you, and I meet with some parents fairly regularly, so conferences are not mandatory for all students at this time. If I haven’t contacted you and you’d like to meet, email me at mbonner@taoscharterschool.org to make an appointment. I’m also available to meet after school from 3-4 pm in the coming weeks, if that works better for you. The progress reports are yours to keep. Please sign the yellow slip and return it to school on Monday with your child to verify you received it.

-Math: The class average went up 11 percentage points to 75% on their three-minute multiplication fact test today. Great job! Your practice and hard work are paying off. Keep practicing over the weekend using flash cards, fact triangles, websites, and the printable practice sheets in the links. Test #6 is coming up, and it's not too late to earn a Fun Friday reward if the class can raise that average another 9 points to 84%. Congrats to Isaiah, Lara, Teresa, and Augustin who have already scored 100% on the 3 minute, 50 fact test!

-4th Grade basketball practice will be Thursday evenings from 5-7pm in the TCS gym. The first practice is set for October 23rd. Please attend if you are interested in joining the team.


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