Upcoming events:
Races in the Park: Tuesday May, 16th at Kit Carson Park from 9:00 - 11:00. Grades 1st - 8th participating. Students will ride the bus to and from for the races.
Talent Show: TCS Talent Show is Tuesday, May 16th at 12:45 in the gym.
Wacky Week: Classes who wish to participate may dress up for Wacky Week -
Monday - Pajama Day
Tuesday - InsideOut Day
Wednesday - Cross Dress Day
Thursday - Crazy Hair Day
Friday - Classes pick
Field Day for K - 4th: Monday, May 22nd in the TCS Courtyard. This is the last day for all students!
Talent Show: TCS Talent Show is Tuesday, May 16th at 12:45 in the gym.
Wacky Week: Classes who wish to participate may dress up for Wacky Week -
Monday - Pajama Day
Tuesday - InsideOut Day
Wednesday - Cross Dress Day
Thursday - Crazy Hair Day
Friday - Classes pick
Field Day for K - 4th: Monday, May 22nd in the TCS Courtyard. This is the last day for all students!