For Thursday:
-Math: Study Links 1-3 (p. 7)
-Re-enrollment packets are due back on Friday if you haven't sent it in yet. Please be sure to include the state-required lunch form, even if your child does not eat school lunch.
-Field trip transportation fee: I'll start collecting the $35 bus fee starting next week, which pays for your child's transportation for class field trips the entire school-year. Please send in a check made out to Taos Charter School by Friday, September 6. If there are parents who can't afford to pay the fee at this time, I can charge at the time of each trip.
-Re-enrollment packets are due back on Friday if you haven't sent it in yet. Please be sure to include the state-required lunch form, even if your child does not eat school lunch.
-Field trip transportation fee: I'll start collecting the $35 bus fee starting next week, which pays for your child's transportation for class field trips the entire school-year. Please send in a check made out to Taos Charter School by Friday, September 6. If there are parents who can't afford to pay the fee at this time, I can charge at the time of each trip.