For Wednesday:
-Math: SL 11-3 (p. 237)
-Bandelier Field Trip: Students have the information and permission slips for our Friday trip to Bandelier National Monument. Parents, please sign the slips and send them back to school on Wednesday. If you're planning to join us as a chaperone, please write a note indicating that on the back of the slip.
-Carnival!: Students, bring in a few dollars to spend at the carnival booths and bake sale on Wednesday afternoon. Proceeds go to benefit 8th grade graduation.
-Bandelier Field Trip: Students have the information and permission slips for our Friday trip to Bandelier National Monument. Parents, please sign the slips and send them back to school on Wednesday. If you're planning to join us as a chaperone, please write a note indicating that on the back of the slip.
-Carnival!: Students, bring in a few dollars to spend at the carnival booths and bake sale on Wednesday afternoon. Proceeds go to benefit 8th grade graduation.