For Thursday:

-Pizza Party: The 4th grade sold more flower bulbs and seeds in our fundraiser than any other class, and by doing so won a pizza party from the Friends of TCS! We'll have it on Thurs. at our normal lunch time, so there's no need to bring or buy a lunch that day.

-Career Project: 1.) Research and take notes on the career you're studying (green sheet steps #3 and #4). See the new links on the right to help you find information.

2.) Arrange the interview with your parents' help (steps #5 and #6). Remember that there's no school on Friday for a teacher in-service day, so that may be a good day for you to set up a visit.

-Class Field Trip to Bandelier National Monument is on Wed., May 6. More details/ permission slips will go home with students on Monday.


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