Upcoming Events in May:
-Races in the Park: Tuesday, May 15 at Kit Carson Park. 4th graders will run at about 9:00 a.m.
-Class field trip to Bandelier National Monument: Friday, May 18, 8:15-5:00 pm. Info and permission slips going home Monday.
-K-8th Talent Show: Tuesday, May 22 in the TCS Gym 12:30-2:00.
-K-4th Field Day: Thursday, May 24 in the TCS playground 10:00-11:30.
-Class field trip to Bandelier National Monument: Friday, May 18, 8:15-5:00 pm. Info and permission slips going home Monday.
-K-8th Talent Show: Tuesday, May 22 in the TCS Gym 12:30-2:00.
-K-4th Field Day: Thursday, May 24 in the TCS playground 10:00-11:30.