
-History: Revolutionary Biography Reports are due.

-Math: Practice long division for the Chapter 6 test.

-Pizza!: 4th grade won an award of some pizzas from Mondo Italiano for their spooktacular Halloween art. So the class will be having pizza for lunch tomorrow. Parents, if possible, could you please send in some juice, maybe some cut fruit or veggies to go with it?

-Secret Santa: Bring in your wrapped gift if you haven't already. We're planning to have our gift exchange in class after lunch.

-Friday Bus Update: Parents, we just found out that on Friday, buses 7 & 14 will run at 11:30 due to 12:00 dismissal at the district elementary schools. This falls right into our pizza party/ Secret Santa time. If possible, could our 4th grade bus riders make other plans to get home so they don't miss out? Thanks!


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