Over the weekend:

-History: Complete Step #2 on the blue checklist, and bring your 5 paragraph rough draft into school on Monday. When you're writing the paragraphs, remember to follow your outline, and keep in mind the "Hamburger Model" of good paragraphs that we discussed in class (topic sentence, meaty juicy interesting supporting detail sentences, and a conclusion/ clincher sentence).

-Geography: We held our grade-level Geo Bee on Friday before we ran out of time due to early dismissal. The class performed very well, and after 4 rounds 15 students are still "in" and competing to be among the Final 6 who will move on to the school-level bee on Wednesday, December 21. If you have time this weekend, use the geography games and activities in the links to prepare for Round 5 and beyond!

-Secret Santa: Students drew names today for our gift exchange that will happen next Friday, December 23. Limit for gifts is about $10. You can start bringing presents in any day next week.


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