Over the weekend:
-Ski Club!: Parents, the packet of information and paperwork for our Ski and Snowboard Program went home with students today. Completed forms and payments are due November 23.
-Spelling and Vocab.: Due to the early dismissal today, we didn't have time to have our weekly spelling quiz. Many students already got a 100% score on Thursday, but if you still need to take it, have a parent give you the quiz over the weekend and bring it in on Monday. Yes, they can SAY the words. You can also take a quiz at Spelling City.
-Math: Practice the starred IXL skills, especially D5 and D6.
-Spelling and Vocab.: Due to the early dismissal today, we didn't have time to have our weekly spelling quiz. Many students already got a 100% score on Thursday, but if you still need to take it, have a parent give you the quiz over the weekend and bring it in on Monday. Yes, they can SAY the words. You can also take a quiz at Spelling City.
-Math: Practice the starred IXL skills, especially D5 and D6.