Spelling Words 8/27/12

1. sum
2. difference
3. geometry
4. privilege
5. improvise
6. geography
7. northeast
8. southeast
9. southwest
10. northwest

4th Grade Spelling and Vocabulary Process

1. A new spelling list comes out every Monday.
2. We discuss the meaning of each word in class. Students should take notes on the definitions and keep them in their Spelling Journal.
3. Written assignment (due every Thursday):
A.) Practice spelling each word by writing it 5 times in your Spelling Journal.
B.) Use each word by writing a creative sentence that shows you understand the meaning of the word. The sentences can be funny or fictional. Please make them interesting to read.
C.) For the Spanish words, do the best you can to write simple sentences in Spanish. If you need extra help with those sentences, ask a family member, Mr. Bonner, or Senora Nicholson some time during the week before Thursday. There are Spanish translation websites posted in the links as well. (There are no Spanish words in this week's list. We'll start those next week.)
4. On Thursday, we’ll have a practice spelling quiz, and I'll check your written work.
5. On Friday we’ll have the real spelling quiz. On the quizzes, I won’t actually say the word. Instead, I’ll say the definitions and give hints and students will have to come up with the spelling word on their own.


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