For Tuesday and Wednesday:

-Skiers should be at school, ready to go at 7:45 am. Wear your warmest gear! The temperature will likely be below zero during the early part of the day. Parents should pick kids up from TCS at 5:00 pm.

-Reminder: Participating in Ski Club is a privilege, not a right. Students need to maintain good grades, behavior, and attendance to remain eligible to ski each week.

-Non-skiers will be swimming during the afternoon from 1:30 to 2:30. Students should bring a swimsuit, towel, and $2 to pay for pool entry. Parents should pick non-skiing students up at the Taos Youth and Family Center at the usual pick-up time (2:50 pm).

-In the event of a 2 hour delay on a Ski Club Tuesday, both ski club and non-skiing plans will be postponed to a later date. Instead, we'll have a normal day of school starting at 10:15 am.

-Second marking period Report Cards went home with students today. Parents, please sign the blue slip and have you son or daughter return it to me at school on Tuesday or Wednesday. The report card itself is yours to keep.

-Math: SL 5-6 (p. 105)

-Creative Writing: Make an outline or a web to plan your four paragraph New Years Essay. Rough draft is due Wednesday. Final draft is due Thursday.


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