Over the weekend:
-Math: Fact Test #12 is on Monday -- 50 division facts. Practice your division facts with flash cards, websites, and printout sheets.
-Class Basketball Team: Thomas Tafoya is organizing a TCS 4th grade hoops squad! Info and permission slips went home with students on Thursday. Parents, let me know if you'd like to help out with the team.
-Safe Routes to School: Parents, check out the Safe Routes site (in the Parents' Links) to learn about a walk/bike to school program that's starting up in Taos. Let me know if you'd like to get involved.
-Class Basketball Team: Thomas Tafoya is organizing a TCS 4th grade hoops squad! Info and permission slips went home with students on Thursday. Parents, let me know if you'd like to help out with the team.
-Safe Routes to School: Parents, check out the Safe Routes site (in the Parents' Links) to learn about a walk/bike to school program that's starting up in Taos. Let me know if you'd like to get involved.