Spanish Spelling Bee Word List
Abrir | To open | Décimo | Tenth | galería | gallery | jabón | soap | Maravilla | Marvel | ||||
Actor | Actor | decorador | decorator | ganado | cattle | jinete | rider | mármol | marble | ||||
Adición | Addition | Delante | Ahead | ganso | goose | jirafa | giraffe | medianoche | | ||||
Alabanza | Praise | Descargar | To discharge | Garganta | Gullet | joven | young man | mención | mention | ||||
Alarma | Alarm | destruir | to destroy | general | general | judía | Jewish woman | mendigo | beggar | ||||
Altura | Height | diariamente | every day | genio | genius | juez | judge | mercado | market | ||||
Anchura | Width | diario | newspaper | glaciar | glacier | jugo | juice | mes | month | ||||
Año | Year | diecinueve | nineteen | Grito | Scream | juntar | to join | miel | honey | ||||
Apio | Celery | dirección | direction | grúa | crane | jurado | jury | muerte | death | ||||
| | dispositivo | device | guardado | kept | juzgar | to judge | multitud | multitude | ||||
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baloncesto | basketball | ejercicio | exercise | harina | flour | ladrillo | brick | nación | nation | ||||
banquete | banquet | Emoción | Emotion | Hasta | Up to | laguna | lagoon | narrador | narrator | ||||
básico | basic | Encima | Above | hija | daughter | lamento | lamentation | natural | native | ||||
bastante | enough | Entendido | Understood | hinchar | to inflate | lámpara | lamp | navegante | navigator | ||||
basura | garbage | Entero | Point | hispano | Hispanic | lana | wool | negar | to deny | ||||
batalla | battle | Escala | Scale | histórico | historical | lengua | language | nicotina | nicotine | ||||
bestia | beast | Escaso | Scarce | huérfano | orphan | liberal | liberal | noble | nobleman | ||||
Boleto | Ticket | escotilla | hatch | hueso | bone | licencia | license | nombrar | to name | ||||
Brumoso | Misty | esperanza | hope | humor | humor | Listo | I list | noticia | news | ||||
| | estrecho | strait | hurucán | | lumbre | firelight | numeral | numeral | ||||
calma | calmness | | | | | | | | | ||||
canal | channel | fantasma | ghost | igual | equal | llamar | to call | Objetivo | Target | ||||
Cantidad | Quantity | fino | dry sherry | imagen | image | llave | key | Observar | To observe | ||||
cañón | cannon | flauta | flute | Incapaz | Incapable | llegar | to come | ocasión | occasion | ||||
carámbano | icicle | flor | flower | incluir | to include | llevar | to go | ofender | to offend | ||||
carencia | lack | folleto | fact sheet | indefenso | defenseless | llorar | to cry | omitir | to omit | ||||
centro | center | formar | to form | Injusto | Unjust | lluvia | rain | opción | option | ||||
cesta | basket | fractura | break | insignia | ensign | | | orden | order | ||||
cocina | kitchen | fresco | fresh air | insistir | to insist | | | oriente | east | ||||
Comentario | Comment | funeral | funeral | inventar | to invent | | | oscuro | dark | ||||
| | futuro | future | invitación | invitation | | | oxígeno | oxygen | ||||
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partido | party | sarampión | measles |
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pasar | to happen | seguir | to continue |
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periódico | newspaper | Servir | To serve |
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Permanecer | To remain | sordo | deaf |
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Pizca | Pinch | sótano | cellar |
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poder | power | suave | soft |
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premio | award | | |
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puesto | position | tarde | late |
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pulgadas | inches | Tejer | To weave |
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| | Temporada | Period |
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Que | That | terremoto | earthquake |
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Quedar | To stay | Terrible | Terrible |
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Queja | Complaint | Tiempo | Time |
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Querido | Darling | todo | quite |
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Quién | Who | travieso | naughty |
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Quimico | Chemist | Trono | Throne |
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Quince | Fifteen | | |
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Quinto | I conscript | Vacaciones | Vacation |
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Quitar | To remove | Vagar | To stroll around |
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quizás | perhaps | Valor | Value |
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| | vaqueros | jeans |
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Rancho | Mess | Variedad | Variety |
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Rasguño | Scrape | Verdura | Vegetable |
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Raspado | Curettage | Viaje | Trip |
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Raza | Race | | |
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Recordar | To remember | | |
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Recuperar | To recover | | |
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Regular | To regulate | | |
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relatar | to report | | |
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repisa | ledge | | |
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risa | laugh | | |
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