Spelling and Vocabulary 1/30/23
1. fraction 2. numerator 3. denominator 4. equivalent 5. unbelievable 6. reputation 7. dawdle 8. sympathy 9. genuine 10. immigrate 11. refugee 12. translate 13. Walk a mile in their shoes. **This week's list is up at Vocabulary A-Z for games and practice! For each word on the list, your weekly written assignment is to do the following in your Spelling/ Vocabulary Journal (Written work is due on Friday): 1. Practice writing each word on the list 3 times . Be sure to spell it correctly each time! 2. Look up the definition of each word in a dictionary or at Vocabulary A-Z. Read the definitions you find there. 3. Use each word in a creative example sentence that shows you know what the word means . The sentences can be funny or fictional. Please make them interesting to read! 4. Keep your written work as neat and organized as possible.