
Showing posts from 2018

Winter Break!

-Ski Program: The first ski day will be Tuesday January 8, 2019, our first day back to school. Skiers and snowboarders will meet at Taos Charter School at 7:40 a.m. and return at 5:00 p.m. Please be on time when picking up your children at the end of the day. In the event of a two hour delay or a snow day, ski club will be canceled and made up at the end of the five weeks. Participants who live on the north end of town can catch the bus at the Arroyo Seco community center at 8:10 and pick up at 4:20. Don’t be late for pick-up in Seco because we can't drop off students unless a parent is present, and they'll need to ride all the way back to TCS. Please make sure that you come with appropriate clothing: hat, gloves, snow pants, goggles, a warm jacket, and sunscreen. All riders should bring a lunch or money to buy lunch at TSV. -Thank you for all the nice gifts. I really appreciate it. I wish you and all of your families a fun, safe winter break. Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año Nue...

For Wednesday:

-History: Complete your final draft on Google Docs or in your best handwriting. Revise and edit, then add 2-3 images after the paragraphs. Work on your bibliography if you still have time. Use the format on the back of the purple checklist. -GeoBee: Rounds 1-2 are at 10:00 Wednesday in the cafeteria. Rounds 3-8 will begin at 12:45. Parents and family are welcome to attend both sessions, but the second one is longer and even more interesting, if you can just make it to one or the other.

For Tuesday:

-History: Step #4 on the purple checklist. Continue typing the Final Draft in Google Docs, or in your best handwriting. Students started this in class today. At home, you'll need to log into your Google account and find your report in Docs.

Over the weekend:

-History: Complete step #3 on the purple checklist - revise and edit your 5 paragraph rough draft. Say more. Expand your thoughts and discussion. Add more detail and information. Grow your paragraphs. Then have a parent or older sibling read the paper and help you edit it for mistakes in spelling, capitalization, grammar, and punctuation. Bring all your work in on Monday, and we'll start typing final drafts in class on Chromebooks via Google Docs. -GeoBee: Congratulations to our winners in today's class-level National Geographic Bee - Jaeda, Ava, Michael, Lili, Tessie, Kameko, and Levi (alternate)! They'll move on to compete against the winners of each grade in the School-Level Preliminary Bee which will be held on Wednesday, December 19 at 12:45 in the cafeteria. Parents are invited! -Top Secret Santa: Students drew names today for our holiday gift exchange that will take place next Thursday, December 20. Please limit presents to around $10, and wrap/ bag the gift wit...

For Friday:

-History: Complete Step #2 on the purple checklist - use your outline and your notes to finish up rough draft paragraphs 3, 4, and 5. Bring your RD into school on Friday to check. -Secret Santa: Ask mom or dad for permission to participate in our optional Secret Santa gift exchange next Thursday, Dec. 20. Around $10 limit for gifts. We'll draw names Friday.

For Thursday:

-History: Use your outline and your notes to write the first 2 "hamburger-style" paragraphs of the rough draft . The first paragraph is the introduction. The second paragraph discusses their early life. Don't leave out the interesting, meaty, juicy details that will make your report fun to share with other people! See the purple checklist Step #1, and the outline format page for more info.

For Wednesday:

-Math and Spelling: We'll do all that work in class this week. Focus on the History Report at home. -History: Complete the outline that you started today in class. Plan out your 5 paragraphs by filling in ideas in the A, B, C sections for each main part. Use the outline format sheet to help. Remember, you don't need to write in full-sentence form on the outline, or include all of the information you have. Just briefly plan out what you're going to write about in each of the 5 parts. This shouldn't take more than 20-25 minutes. Bring in the finished outline to class on Wednesday.

Spelling and Vocabulary 12/11/18

1. outline 2. rough draft 3. paragraph 4. topic sentence 5. supporting details 6. conclusion 7. images 8. revise 9. edit 10. bibliography 11. biblioteca (library) 12. tarea (homework) 13. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.

Over the weekend:

-History: Continue to find information, read, and take notes for your biography report. Use books, websites, and videos.

For Thursday:

-Spelling and Vocabulary: Written work is due. -History: Find information, read, and take notes on the person you're studying for the Revolutionary Biography Report.

For Wednesday:

-Math: Complete Lesson 11 homework p. 62, 63, 64. -History: Come up with your Top 3 choices for your Revolutionary Biography Report. See the tan sheet for a list of possible choices, and use the top 2 links to explore additional ideas.

For Tuesday:

-Math: Module 3, Lesson 10 homework p. 57-58.

Spelling and Vocabulary 12/3/18

1. empire 2. liberty 3. assembly 4. loyalist 5. mercenary 6. propaganda 7. research 8. biography 9. library 10. algorithm 11. libertad (freedom, liberty) 12. listo/ lista (ready or smart) 13. Don’t judge a book by its cover.

For Thursday:

-Math: Complete the Lesson 7 homework, p. 46, 47, 48. -Spelling and Vocabulary: Written work is due.

Spelling and Vocabulary 11/26/18

1. tyrant 2. taxation 3. representation 4. boycott 5. independent 6. revolution 7. petition 8. intolerable 9. monarchy 10. democracy 11. desayuno (breakfast) 12. almuerzo (lunch) 13. cena (dinner) 14. No taxation without representation!

Over the weekend:

-Math: Keep practicing the X facts up to the 12's. Fix the ones you missed or skipped on Friday's quiz, and finish the Five Minute Frenzy on the backside of the yellow quiz page. -Reminder: Since the Taos district schools are off this week, there is no bus service or school lunches on Monday or Tuesday, Nov. 19-20. Bring your own lunch. -Reminder: Ski Program paperwork and payments are due on Tuesday, November 20.

For Thursday:

-Math: Finish the 5 Minute Frenzy practice page we started today in class, and also the multiplication fact practice on the back.

For Wednesday:

-Reading: Finish up the comprehension/ vocabulary quiz for My Land Sings , and bring it in Tuesday to hand in. Hint: Use the glossary at the back of the book if you need help with the Spanish terms.

Spelling and Vocabulary 11/13/18

1. sanctuary 2. attentive 3. ally 4. French and Indian War 5. quarrel 6. capture 7. victory 8. defeat 9. colony 10. immigrant 11. equation 12. grande (large) 13. pequeño (small) 14. Birds of a feather flock together

For Tuesday:

-Math: Complete homework p. 22. -4th grade basketball team practice will take place at the TCS gym on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 5:30-6:30, starting tomorrow: Tues. November 6. All students in the class are welcome to come and join the team. Go Hawks!

Spelling and Vocabulary 11/5/18

1. factor 2. crisis 3. colonist 4. slavery 5. candidate 6. veteran 7. clarify 8. dispute 9. influence 10. Great Britain 11. hablar (to talk) 12. nadar (to swim) 13. On the warpath

Over the weekend:

-Science: If you didn't like your grade on the science test, correct your mistakes over the weekend and hand it in Monday for a 10 point boost. You can always use your science packet and circulatory system coloring sheets to help. -Ski and Snowboard Program forms and info went home with students today. Forms and payments are due before Thanksgiving Break, November 21.

For Wednesday:

-Halloween!: Costumes are welcome on Wednesday, but keep in mind that we'll be having a regular day of school, including PE, up until about 2:00. It's probably best to bring in your costume and put it on in the afternoon. Parents are invited to come check out our K-4th grade costume parade at 2:00. Afterward, we'll have a little party in the classroom. Students may bring in a healthy snack to share. No candy or soda - I'm sure they'll be getting their fair share of sweets after school! -There's no school on Thursday, November 1 as it's a scheduled teacher in-service day. Friday is normal, and we'll be dismissing at 1:00 as usual.

For Thursday:

-Math: Complete the homework from Lesson 2, p. 5-6. -Spelling and Vocabulary: Written work is due. Study for the quiz.

Spelling and Vocabulary 10/22/18

1. centimeter 2. meter 3. kilometer 4. folklore 5. heritage 6. opponent 7. traits 8. motivation 9. election 10. governor 11. Tengo hambre. (I’m hungry.) 12. Tengo sed. (I’m thirsty.) 13. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.

Over the weekend:

-Progress Reports for the first marking period went home with students today. Please take time to discuss the grades and comments with your son or daughter. More information about Lexile reading scores can be found at There's no school on Friday, October 26th for Parent-Teacher Conferences. I’ve already scheduled meetings with some of you, and I meet with some parents fairly regularly, so conferences are not mandatory for all students at this time. If I haven’t contacted you and you’d like to meet, please email me at to make an appointment. I’m also available to meet after school from 3-4 pm in the coming weeks, if that works better for you.

Spelling and Vocabulary 10/15/18

1. aorta 2. red blood cells 3. white blood cells 4. plasma 5. platelets 6. valve 7. alveoli 8. deoxygenated 9. exchange 10. plaque 11. viento (wind) 12. nieve (snow) 13. Have a heart.

Have a Great Fall Break!

-Reading: Read 20 minutes or more each day of break, and keep track of what you've covered on the Fall Break Reading Log.

For Thursday and Friday:

-Mesa Prieta Field Trip Thursday: Remember to wear sturdy sneakers and socks, and a hat. Bring a small backpack with a water bottle, snack, and your lunch. -Due Friday: Math homework from Lesson 16 (p. 89-90). Written spelling work is due, and study for the quiz.

Field Trip Thursday!

-Our field trip to Mesa Prieta, an archaeological preserve near Velarde, will be this Thursday, October 4. We'll leave school at about 8:20 and return by 2:30 for a normal dismissal. Permission slips are due Wednesday. Thanks to generous support from the Taos Archaeological Society, there is no charge for this trip.

Spelling and Vocabulary 10/2/18

1. Ancestral Pueblo 2. petroglyph 3. circulatory system 4. arteries 5. veins 6. capillaries 7. oxygen 8. carbon dioxide 9. heart 10. lungs 11. corazon (heart) 12. sangre (blood) 13. Blood is thicker than water.

For Thursday:

-Math: Complete Lesson 14 Homework p. 79-80. -Spelling: Written work is due. -Reading: Finish up the Book Review and Comprehension Questions from Superfudge if you didn't already hand those in today in class. -We need empty plastic water bottles (with caps) for a science activity next week. Please send those in if you can.

Spelling and Vocabulary 9/24/18

1. homophone 2. clothes/ close 3. break/ brake 4. buy/ by 5. hear/ here 6. choose/ chews 7. right/ write 8. sum/ some 9. whole/ hole 10. would/ wood 11. peek/ peak 12. mail/ male 13. (your own pair of homophones) _________ / ________ 14. Money burning a hole in your pocket

Over the long weekend:

-Math: Complete the Lesson 12 homework, p. 67-69. -Reading: Finish any missing chapter summaries from the novel Superfudge. Fix up your mistakes in spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Make sure your summaries are clear, neat, and legible. You may re-write the summaries on your own lined paper if necessary.

For Thursday:

-Spelling and Vocabulary: Written work is due, and study for the quiz, which is on Thursday this week.

For Wednesday:

-Flower Power orders are due Wednesday, 9/19. Place those orders, and help your school! -Math: Finish up the homework pages from Lesson 11, p. 59-60.

For Tuesday:

-Math: Finish the Problem Set from today's lesson, p. 57-58.

Spelling and Vocabulary 9/17/18

1. Autumn Equinox 2. unanimous 3. capital 4. synonym 5. antonym 6. budget 7. catastrophe 8. elevation 9. there 10. their 11. they’re 12. jugar (to play) 13. deportes (sports) 14. spill the beans

For Thursday:

-Math: Complete the Lesson 9 homework, p. 51-52. -Spelling and Vocabulary: Written work is due.

For Tuesday:

-Math: Complete the Lesson 8 homework, pages 47-48. -School Picture Day is Tuesday for our class.

Spelling and Vocabulary 9/10/18

1. apostrophe 2. contraction 3. wouldn’t 4. we’re 5. weren’t 6. aren’t 7. doesn’t 8. she’ll 9. we’ll 10. your 11. you’re 12. lapiz (pencil) 13. libro (book) 14. Beauty is only skin deep.

Over the weekend:

-Reading: Read chapters 4 and 5 in Superfudge and write a summary for each. -Picture Day for 4th grade is Tuesday, September 11.

For Thursday:

-Spelling: Written work is due. -Math: Complete p. 43-44.

Spelling and Vocabulary 9/4/18

1. minuend 2. subtrahend 3. humorous 4. sarcastic 5. ocean 6. continent 7. nation 8. embellish 9. plot 10. setting 11. Albuquerque, New Mexico 12. estudiante (student) 13. escuela (school) 14. When it rains, it pours.

4th Grade Open-House

-On Wednesday, September 5, the 4th and 5th grade classes will have a parent meeting and classroom open house from 5-6 p.m. which you’re all invited to attend. In our classroom meeting, we’ll discuss things like 4th grade curriculum, grading, homework routines and expectations, class projects, and Ski Club. I hope you can all plan to come in to visit that evening. -Have a great Labor Day Weekend!

For Thursday:

-Spelling and Vocabulary: Written work is due (practice each word 5X, and use each in a creative sentence).

For Tuesday:

-Math: Complete p. 25-26.

Weekly 4th Grade Spelling and Vocabulary Process

1. A new spelling list comes out every Monday. 2. We discuss the meaning of each word in class. Students should take notes on the definitions and keep them in their Spelling Journal. 3. Written assignment (due every Thursday): A.) Practice spelling each word by writing it 5 times in your SJ.(2 times for the weekly saying.) B.) Use each word by writing a creative sentence that shows you understand the meaning of the word. Use a dictionary to help when you need it. The sentences can be funny or fictional. Please make them interesting to read. C.) For the Spanish words, do the best you can to write short, simple sentences in Spanish. If you need extra help with those sentences, ask a family member, Mr. Bonner, or Senora Molina some time during the week before Thursday. There are Spanish translation websites posted on our class blog that can help you as well. 4. On Friday we’ll have the spelling quiz. On the quizzes, I won’t actually say the word. Instead, I’ll say the definitions...

Spelling and Vocabulary List 8/27/18

1. novel 2. character 3. fiction 4. non-fiction 5. sum 6. difference 7. product 8. quotient 9. are 10. our 11. hour 12. Taos Charter School 13. break the ice

For Monday:

-Music: Please bring in your recorders for music class with Ms. Tara on Monday, and your song book if you borrowed one over the summer. -Have a great weekend!

For Friday:

-Math: Complete p. 20, 21, 22 for homework.

Back to School Paperwork

-Parents, please fill out the packet of forms that went home with students today, and return them to Mr. Bonner as soon as you can (no later than Monday, August 27). Thanks!

Lunch Forms

-Parents, lunch forms went home with students today. For our school to qualify for various state and federal funds, it's important that ALL students have this form completed, including those who may not qualify for free or reduced lunch, and kids who never even eat school lunch. Please take some time to fill those out, and return them to school Monday or Tuesday. Thanks, and have a great weekend!

PARCC Scores

-Parents, today I gave out student results from the annual PARCC tests that they took last April in 3rd grade. There are 2 pages in the parent report, one for reading/ ELA and one for math, and they should be inside their Take-Home Folder. Please email me at if you have any questions about the data.

Welcome to the 4th Grade Blog!

Hello to all the incoming 4th grade students and parents at Taos Charter! I hope you've all have had a fantastic summer break. I really enjoyed mine too, but I'm glad to be back working in the classroom and excited to kick off another school year with this new group of kids. School starts Wednesday, August 15th at 8:15 AM. Fourth grade supply lists are available in the office or at the TCS website in the "For Parents" section. It's not necessary for everyone to have all the supplies on the first day. Pencils, folders, and composition books are the most important items. Until then, get outside, have some fun, and make the most of your last days of break. I'll see you bright and early on Wednesday! Thanks for taking the time to find and read our 4th grade blog! Please be sure to bookmark it into your links. -Mr. Michael Bonner email:

For Thursday:

-Field Day for K-4 will be here at school on Thursday, outside from 10:00-11:30. Parents are invited! Challup's pizza will be provided to students for lunch thanks to the Friends of TCS. Students should dress for outside PE and have a water bottle. -After Field Day, we'll be watching the movie-version of Holes in class. Kids may bring some popcorn and lemonade or juice to share if they want. -4th marking period progress reports and awards will be sent home with students on Thursday. There's no school on Friday.

For Wednesday:

-Reading: Read chapters 46, 47, 48 in Holes . -Class clean-up: Please bring in a cloth grocery bag to take home all of your supplies and materials so you can re-use them next year. -Missing Library Books: Cammy: One Came Home Darius (3): Bill and Pete to the Rescue, The Child's World Book Encyclopedia, A Good Night for Ghosts Estevan (2): Pirated!, Destructive Re-Entry Josh: Child's World Book Encyclopedia Liana: Lyme Disease Please return those books Wednesday, or bring in $25 per missing book for replacement.

For Tuesday:

-Talent Show: Bring in at least one good joke to tell.

For Thursday:

-Spelling and Vocab.: Written work is due via Google Drive or in your Spelling Journal. Study for the quiz. -Be sure to bring in your permission slip and $8 for our Bandelier trip if you haven't already.

For Wednesday:

-Reading: Read chapters 29-30 in Holes and write a title for each. -Career Project: Bring in the address of the person you interviewed for your project, and your own mailing address too so we can send off your Thank-You letters on Wednesday. Parents, please double check the addresses to make sure they're correct and include zip codes. -Friday Field Trip Info: On Friday, May 18, the class will be taking a hiking field trip to Bandelier National Monument near Los Alamos. During the morning, we’ll take a 2 ½ mile loop hike on Tsankawi Mesa to tour Ancestral Pueblo cliff dwellings. In the afternoon, we’ll have a picnic lunch, and then hike down the Frey Trail into Frijoles Canyon about 2 ½ more miles to explore the main ruins. Students should be prepared for the elements and wear sturdy sneakers or hiking boots, and a hat to block the sun. They should also bring a small backpack with sunscreen, their own lunch, and at least one water bottle. The trip will cost $8 for bus ...

Upcoming Events in May:

-Races in the Park: Tuesday, May 15 at Kit Carson Park. 4th graders will run at about 9:00 a.m. -Class field trip to Bandelier National Monument: Friday, May 18, 8:15-5:00 pm. Info and permission slips going home Monday. -K-8th Talent Show: Tuesday, May 22 in the TCS Gym 12:30-2:00. -K-4th Field Day: Thursday, May 24 in the TCS playground 10:00-11:30.

Spelling and Vocabulary 5/14/18

1. Anasazi 2. Ancestral Pueblo 3. cliff dwelling 4. viga 5. artifact 6. cistern 7. petroglyph 8. kiva 9. cavate 10. pottery sherd/ shard 11. archeologist 12. pueblo (village, small town) 13. mesa (table, or flat-top landform) 14. Don’t cry over spilled milk.

Over the weekend:

-Reading: Read up through chapter 25 in Holes . Go farther if you want, and write a title for each chapter you finish.

For Tuesday and Wednesday:

-Career Project: Work on Steps 3 and 4 on the project checklist. Find information, read, and take notes on the career you're studying. -PARCC Testing in math will continue on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. We should be finished with all the sessions by lunch on Wednesday. Bring a snack to have in between tests on Wednesday. At home, get ready by taking the PARCC Practice Math Tests (in the links), and practice IXL skills. -Bowling!: On Tuesday afternoon from 1-2, the class will walking down to Gutters to go bowling. The TCS Student Council is paying for our bowling as a reward to 4th grade for bringing in the most food to share during the Taos Feeds Taos food drive in December. Student may bring their own money to buy a snack if they want one.

Over the weekend:

-Math: Gear up for PARCC Math sessions by taking a practice test and practicing skills at IXL. -Career Project: Step 2 - Narrow down your 6 ideas to your top 2 choices, and use the "Career Project Info" link to start doing research.


TCS is closed on Friday, April 20 due to the Town of Taos water emergency.

Career Project:

-Parents, the class is beginning a career education project that will require your assistance. Each student is choosing a career that they are going to be studying. As part of the project, I’ve asked the students to arrange a visit and an interview with a local person who has the career that they choose. Please assist your son or daughter in contacting this person (perhaps you have a friend or a colleague who would work). The culminating activity of the project will be a posterboard or computer-projected presentation by each student teaching the class about the career that they've studied. The presentations will begin Friday, May 4 (or sooner if students finish early). Students have more information about the specifics of the project. Please email me at if you have any questions. Thanks, MB

For Thursday:

-Career Project: Complete Step #1 on the orange project checklist. Brainstorm a list of 6 or more careers that you think are interesting and would like to learn more about.

Geometry Vocabulary List

1. perimeter 2. area 3. right angle 4. acute angle 5. obtuse angle 6. protractor 7. intersecting 8. parallel 9. perpendicular 10. symmetry 11. right triangle 12. trapezoid 13. quadrilateral 14. rhombus 15. pentagon 16. hexagon

Over the weekend:

-Reading: Finish up the book reviews and chapter summaries if you didn't hand them in today. Try out a recipe from the one of the chapters!

PARCC Testing Starts Monday:

-On Monday morning, 4th grade will be taking the first section of the PARCC English Language Arts test. On the days before testing, get ready for PARCC by getting fresh air and exercise after school. Get a good night's sleep. Eat a healthy breakfast, and be on-time for school each morning at 8:15. Practice tests in ELA and math are posted in the links. PARCC testing will run each morning from Monday, April 16 until Wednesday, April 25. We'll take one session each day. There are 8 sessions in all: 4 in ELA and 4 in Math.

For Friday:

-Spelling and Vocabulary: Study for the quiz. -Reading: Complete the Book Review form for Everything on a Waffle . Complete any missing chapter summaries, and edit your summaries for errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar.

For Thursday:

-Spelling and Vocabulary: Written work is due via Google Drive or in your Spelling Journal. -Reading: Today we finished the novel Everything on a Waffle by Polly Horvath. If you enjoyed it, the sequel is called One Year in Coal Harbor , and it's available on Amazon or or wherever you buy books. Here's the link to Amazon:

Spelling and Vocabulary 4/9/18

1. area 2. perimeter 3. setting 4. demonstrate 5. details 6. metric system 7. centimeter 8. meter 9. kilometer 10. liter 11. gram 12. sol (sun) 13. cielo (sky) 14. over the moon

Saturday Bake Sale at Cid's to Benefit TCS Art and Music Programs:

-On Saturday, April 7 from 10-4 there will be a bake sale at Cid's to support our K-8 art and music programs. Please help out with donations of food and/ or time if you can. Sign up online at:

For Thursday:

-Math: Complete p. 719-720 in My Math. Practice the starred skills in IXL Math, Section N. -Spelling and Vocabulary: Written work is due via Google Drive or in your SJ.

For Tuesday and Wednesday:

-Tuesday Field Trip: We're leaving at 8:20, and we'll be back by 3:00. Don't forget to bring in your permission slip and $8 for bus transportation if you didn't already bring them in today. -Reading: Read the next 2 chapters "I lose a Toe," and "Uncle Jack's Idea," and write a summary for each. -Math: Complete p. 707-708 in My Math, and practice IXL skills N1, N2, N3, N4.

Spelling and Vocabulary 4/2/18

1. measure 2. length 3. capacity 4. weight 5. yard 6. ounce 7. pound 8. pint 9. personification 10. famous 11. infamous 12. ciudad (city) 13. pais (nation or country) 14. It’s always darkest just before the dawn.

Over the long weekend:

-Math: Complete p. 701-702 in My Math. Practice IXL skills N1, N2, N3. -Reading: Read the next 2 chapters in Everything on a Waffle ("What Miss Bowzer Knew," and "I Lose All My Sweaters"), and write a summary for each. Keep track of new words on the vocabulary list at the end of your summary packet. Try out one of the recipes at home over the weekend if you want, but be sure to ask a parent FIRST. -Field Trip Tuesday: On Tuesday, April 3, the fourth grade class will be taking a field trip to the Poeh Culural Center in Pojoauque. During the morning, we’ll tour the center and participate in an art activity. In the afternoon, we’ll have a picnic lunch, and then go for a hike on the way back to Taos. Students should dress for a hike, and wear sturdy sneakers. They should also bring a small backpack with lunch, and a water bottle. The trip will cost $8 for bus transportation. Please send cash, or an $8 check made out to the school. Ms. Woodall arranged our visit ...

Progess Reports

-Parents, 3rd marking period progress reports went home with students today. Please take some time to read and discuss the grades and comments with your child. You're always welcome to come meet with me after school 3-4, or email me if you have any concerns or questions. -There's no school on Thursday, March 29 for parent-teacher conferences. I've already scheduled meetings with some of you, and I meet with some parents fairly regularly, so conferences are not mandatory for all students at this point in the school-year. If I haven't yet contacted you, and you would like to meet, please email me to set up a conference. I'm also available to talk after school most days from 3-4, either in-person or over the phone, if that's more convenient for you. -Have a great weekend!

Spelling and Vocabulary 3/19/18

1. Spring Equinox 2. cite 3. evidence 4. fact 5. opinion 6. intention 7. persuade 8. decimal 9. tenth 10. hundredth 11. thousandth 12. primavera (spring) 13. viento (wind) 14. a dime a dozen

For Friday:

-Spelling and Vocabulary: Written work is due via Google Drive or in your Spelling Journal. Study for the quiz. -Math: Complete p. 617-621 in My Math. Practice the starred skills in IXL sections Q and S to get ready for the chapter 9 test.

For Tuesday:

-Math: Complete p. 597-598 in My Math. -NMSBA Testing: 4th and 7th graders at TCS will be taking the New Mexico Standards-Based Assessment in Science on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings.

Spelling and Vocabulary 3/5/18

1. mass 2. evaporation 3. condensation 4. igneous rock 5. sedimentary rock 6. metamorphic rock 7. habitat 8. erosion 9. renewable 10. non-renewable 11. piedra (rock) 12. tierra (land) 13. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

For Tuesday:

-Math: Complete My Math p. 565-566, and practice the starred skills in IXL Math section Q. -Science: Finish up reading and taking notes on your science report topics. -TCS Basketball Tournament starts today after school, and continues every day until Sunday. Go Hawks!

Over the weekend:

-Science: Continue to find information, read, and take notes on your science report topics. Hands-on demonstrations, posterboard presentations, and projection reports are due Friday, March 2. If you choose to do the 3 paragraph written report option, those are due Monday, March 5th.

TCS Basketball Tournament is NEXT WEEK

-Parents, please sign up to volunteer at our TCS tournament next week if you haven't already. Our 4th grade night is Thursday, March 1st . We need you! Dear Parents and Friends of TCS: Finally, our biggest community event and fundraiser of the year: the TCS annual Basketball Tournament. This year’s tournament will be held from Monday, February 26th to Sunday, March 4th. The weekday games will run from 4pm till 8:30 pm, and the weekend games begin at 9 am, running till 3 pm on Saturday and noon on Sunday. We are in need of concessions, and LOTS of volunteers! Each night of the tournament will be “dedicated” to a grade at Taos Charter School. Parents from that grade will be encouraged to donate volunteer time at the concession stands, the admission desk, or inside the gym helping with scoring or refereeing. If you cannot volunteer on your class’s evening, feel free to volunteer on a different day. We would also like to see 2 parents from each grade “supervise” their day. At...

For Wednesday:

-Math: Complete p. 541-542 in My Math. Practice starred IXL skills in section P (Pemdas: Section N). -Science: Move through Steps 2, 3, 4 on the orange science report checklist. Have a report topic ready for Wednesday that meets the criteria listed on Step 3. -Spelling and Vocabulary: There's no list assigned this week so you'll have more time for your science report.

Over the long weekend:

-Science: Share the orange project checklist with your parents. Decide which general field of science you're interested in studying (Step #1). Use the "Science Topics" list link at Academic Kids Encylopedia or Wikipedia to explore and learn more about the field you choose.

For Thursday:

-Math: Finish up the last 3 pages of the fraction review packet. -Spelling/ Vocabulary: Written work is due via Google Drive or in your written Spelling Journal. Study for the quiz.

Spelling and Vocabulary 2/12/18

1. equivalent fraction 2. improper fraction 3. field of science 4. biology 5. geology 6. meteorology 7. astronomy 8. ecology 9. hydrology 10. physics 11. adentro (inside) 12. afuera (outside) 13. kill two birds with one stone

Ski Sipapu!

-Just a reminder that 4th graders ski for FREE at Sipapu. Just bring a copy of your most recent report card to the ticket window and they'll give you a FREE lift ticket, every day.

For Thursday:

-Math: Complete p. 509-510 in My Math. -Written spelling and vocabulary work is due via Google Drive or in your spelling journal. Take a practice quiz at Spelling City.

Spelling and Vocabulary 2/5/18

1. simplest form 2. benchmark fraction 3. mixed number 4. pursue 5. conceal 6. controversy 7. hostile 8. persist 9. sufficient 10. sustain 11. yield 12. tienda (store) 13. dinero (money) 14. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Over the weekend:

-Reading: Finish up the 2 paragraph "Compare and Contrast" essay on Google Drive if you didn't complete it in class on Friday. You can print it at school on Monday if you don't have a way to print at home. -Math: Practice IXL skills A10, A11, H1, H2.

Spelling and Vocabulary List 1/29/18

1. compare 2. contrast 3. fraction 4. numerator 5. denominator 6. equivalent 7. subject 8. predicate 9. sentence fragment 10. run-on sentence 11. facil (easy) 12. dificil (difficult) 13. En boca cerrada, no entran moscas. (A closed mouth attracts no flies.)

For Thursday:

-Math: Complete p. 449-450 in My Math. -Spelling and Vocabulary: Written work is due (via Google Drive or handwritten), study for the practice quiz.

Over the long weekend:

-Second quarter progress reports went home today with students. - Re-Enrollment form for the 2018-19 school-year went home with students today. Parents, please complete those and return them to school sometime next week. -Ski and Snowboard program continues Tuesday. See you at school at 7:40!

For Thursday:

-Math: Complete the EVEN items p. 399-400.