
Showing posts from March, 2016

PT Conferences/ Little League Registration/ Spring Songshare Performance

-There's no school on Friday, April 1 for parent-teacher conferences. I’ve already scheduled meetings with some of you, and I meet with some parents fairly regularly, so conferences are not mandatory for all students at this point in the school-year. If I haven’t contacted you and you’d like to meet, please email me at to make an appointment. I'm also available to meet after school from 3-4 in the upcoming weeks. -Last chance for Little League registration is on Saturday, April 2 at the Taos Youth and Family Center from 10-2. -Our Spring Songshare for grades K-4 will be in the gym Thursday, April 7 at 1:30pm. Families are invited to attend! -Over the long weekend: Complete My Math pages 701-702 and 707-708. Practice IXL skills N1 and N3.

For Tuesday:

-Math: Complete p. 673-674 in My Math, and practice the starred U skills in IXL.

Spelling and Vocabulary 3/28/16

1. prefix 2. root word 3. suffix 4. disorganized 5. simile 6. metaphor 7. paraphrase 8. specific 9. poem 10. stanza 11. fecha (date) 12. ano (year) 13. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

3rd Quarter Progress Reports

-Progress reports went home with students today. Please take some time to discuss the grades and comments. Enjoy the long weekend, and have a Happy Easter!

For Wednesday:

-Math: Complete p. 647-648 in My Math. Practice the starred skills in IXL section U.

For Tuesday:

-Math: Complete p. 635-636 in My Math. Practice the starred U skills in IXL.

Spelling and Vocabulary List 3/21/16

1. Spring Equinox 2. cite 3. evidence 4. fact 5. opinion 6. intention 7. persuade 8. decimal 9. tenth 10. hundredth 11. thousandth 12. primavera (spring) 13. viento (wind) 14. a dime a dozen ** This week's list is uploaded at Spelling City. Use your account to practice spelling and definitions.

For Friday:

-Science: Finalize and practice your 4-5 minute presentation for tomorrow. -Math: Practice IXL skill R12.

For Wednesday:

-Math: Practice IXL skills in Section R. -Science: Continue working though the steps in your chosen report topic and presentation option. -NMSBA Science Tests: Parents, 4th and 7th graders will be taking the state-required assessment in Science next week, March 8, 9, 10 (Tuesday-Thursday) for about an hour each day.