For Tuesday and Wednesday:

-Math: Complete both sides of the orange multi-digit multiplication practice sheet. Practice IXL skills D14, D16, D17, D19.

-Creative Writing: Log in to Google Drive and continue typing the final draft of your New Year Essay. Don't print it yet - we'll do that in class.

-Second quarter report cards went home with students today.

-Ski and Snowboard Program will meet at school at 7:45 on Tuesday. Parents please be at school for pick-up at 5:00 p.m.
(In the very unfortunate event of a 2 hour delay, Ski Program will be postponed to a later date, and we'll have a regular school day starting at 10:15.)

-Non-skiers: Bring a swimsuit, towel, $2, and a Town Waiver form. Report to Mr. Jones' class at 8:15 a.m.


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