For Friday:
-Math: Study Links 4-1, and deliver the Unit 4 family letter. Also practice the x facts for Test #13.
-Spelling: Study for the quiz.
-FALL BINGO is happening on Friday, November 7, 2014 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Frito Pies, Hot dogs, Vegetarian soup, Desserts. . .
Bingo prizes, Raffles, Cake walks, Fun in the gym.
Please bring the kids, bring the grandparents, come have fun in the Taos Charter School cafeteria.
This event is organized by the Friends of TCS, with proceeds going towards literacy, math, and music programs.
Please join us, and consider donating your time or items for the event. Follow this link to "Sign-up genius":
-Spelling: Study for the quiz.
-FALL BINGO is happening on Friday, November 7, 2014 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Frito Pies, Hot dogs, Vegetarian soup, Desserts. . .
Bingo prizes, Raffles, Cake walks, Fun in the gym.
Please bring the kids, bring the grandparents, come have fun in the Taos Charter School cafeteria.
This event is organized by the Friends of TCS, with proceeds going towards literacy, math, and music programs.
Please join us, and consider donating your time or items for the event. Follow this link to "Sign-up genius":