For Tuesday and Wednesday:

-Math: SL 6-3 (p. 125) is due Wednesday.

-Ski Club: Be at school ready to load the bus at 7:45 a.m. Northside pick-up will be at the Catholic Church in Arroyo Seco at 8:10. DRESS WARM! The temperature at the Ski Valley will be extremely cold on Tuesday, no higher than 9 degrees all day! Remember to have good ski gloves or mittens, ski pants, goggles, and a neck gaiter or scarf to cover your face. Bring your own lunch or money to buy lunch at TFK's (like most ski area food, it's VERY expensive so I recommend to BYO). Parents will pick students up at TCS at 5:00 p.m. - please be on-time. Northside drop-off will be at the church in Seco at 4:15. Parents need to be there on-time or we can't drop kids off in Seco. In the event of a 2 hour delay, Ski Club will be postponed to a later date, and we'll have a regular school day.

-Non skiers: We'll be swimming at the TYFC from 10:30-11:30. Students need to bring a swimsuit, towel, and $2 for pool admission. Town of Taos waiver forms went home with students today. We need a 4th grade parent chaperone or 2 to come in and help supervise at the pool for that hour if you're available.


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