
Showing posts from March, 2011

For Friday:

-Science: Steps 9, 10, 11, 13 on the green checklist. Completed reports are due on Friday. However, if you fell behind on the report, and you feel like could use a couple extra days to finish up, then you can hand it in on Monday. I'd much rather have you hand in a GREAT report on Monday that you're really proud of, than hand in a mediocre one on Friday. I won't lower your grade if you choose to wait until Monday to hand it in. -Spelling: Study for the quiz.

For Thursday:

-Science Report: Steps 7, 8, 9 on the green checklist. Revise and edit the RD. Start writing the FD. -Spelling: Written work due. Study for the practice quiz. -There is not after-school tutoring on Thursday this week.

For Wednesday:

-Science: Steps 4 and 5 on the green checklist. RD is due on Wednesday. If you have extra time, start gathering photos, graphs, or charts to enhance your paper. -There will not be after-school tutoring on Thursday.

For Tuesday:

-Science: Steps 2 and 3 of the green checklist. Use your outline to start writing the first few paragraphs of the RD. -Parents, the class is running very low on Kleenex and white copy paper. If you're able to donate some boxes of tissue and/or a ream or two of copy paper to our class supply, it would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Spelling List 3/28/11

1. season 2. replenish 3. trouble 4. patient 5. cooperative 6. flexible 7. igneous rock 8. sedimentary rock 9. metamorphic rock 10. hablar (to talk) 11. Yo hablo. (I talk.) 12. Tu hablas. (You talk.) 13. Usted habla. (You talk.) 14. Ustedes hablan. (You all talk) 15. Ella habla. (She talks.) 16. Ellos hablan. (They talk.) 17. Nosotros hablamos. (We talk.) 18. When in Rome, do as the Romans.

Ms. Erin's List 3/28/11

Final /ch/ = tch after a closed vowel Final /ch/ = ch after a consonant or double vowel 1. catch 2. clutch 3. itch 4. scratch 5. stretch 6. sketch 7. speech 8. mulch 9. quench 10. scorch 11. perch 12. ranch

Over the Long Weekend:

-Science: When you complete your reading and research, and you feel you have enough information to start planning and organizing your report, go to Step #1 on the green checklist - writing an outline. Use the format we discussed in class. You have an example in your folder. Remember, outlines do not have to be written in full-sentence form. Outlines are due Monday. If you have extra time after you finish the outline, you can move on to begin steps 2 and 3 on the green sheet: writing the rough draft.

For Thursday:

-Science: Read and take notes on your research topic. (Continue blue checklist step #5) -Spelling: Written work is due. Study for the quiz. -Thursday tutoring will be from 3:00 to 3:45. -There's no school on Friday for Parent-Teacher Conferences. I’ve already scheduled meetings with a number of you, and I meet with some parents fairly regularly, so conferences are not mandatory for all students. If I haven’t contacted you and you’d like to meet, please email me at or call me at 751-7222 ext. 221 to make an appointment.

For Wednesday:

-Science: Step #5 on your blue checklist. Research, find information, read, and take notes on your report topic. You should use at least three sources for your report: one book, one magazine or encyclopedia article, and one website.

For Tuesday:

-Math: SL 7-5 (p. 153) -Science: Step #4 on your blue project checklist. Use pencil and have a back up topic just in case. I'll approve topics on Tuesday. -Third marking period report cards went home today with students. Parents, please sign the green slip to verify that you received the report, and send it back to school with your son/ daughter on Tuesday.

Spelling List 3/21/11

1. probability 2. certain 3. likely 4. unlikely 5. impossible 6. eliminate 7. equation 8. compare 9. contrast 10. calle (street) 11. vecino (neighbor) 12. Take the bull by the horns.

Over the weekend:

-Math: SL 7-4 (p. 151) -Science: Steps 2 and 3 on your blue project checklist. -Report cards will go home with students on Monday.

For Friday:

-Spelling: Study for the quiz. -Science: Choose a general field of science that you're interested in studying for a research project (see blue checklist, item #1 for more info).

For Tuesday:

-Math: SL 7-1 (p. 145) -Reading: Finish the spring break book review that you started in class today. Due Tuesday.

Spelling List 3/14/11

1. famous 2. infamous 3. accumulate 4. fact 5. opinion 6. peasant 7. elite 8. conquer 9. voyage 10. Vernal Equinox 11. deportes (sports) 12. baloncesto (basketball) 13. Do onto others as you would have them do onto you.

Ms. Erin's List 3/14/11

/j/ = ge after con., or open vowel 1. age 2. charge 3. huge 4. page 5. large 6. stage 7. gorge 8. chal/lenge 9. e/merge 10. ex/change 11. sub/merge 12. ram/page

Over the break:

-Reading: Read an on-level chapter book of your choice of at least 100 pages. Bring the book into school with you on Monday, March 14th to write a book review in class. -Have a really fun, safe Spring Break! See you on the slopes!

For Friday:

-Spelling: Study for the quiz. -Reading: Read and write chapter summaries for any chapter of Everything on a Waffle that you may have missed. Summaries are due Friday. -Field Trip! On Friday morning the class will be taking a trip to the Harwood Museum to tour the collection and participate in an art activity led by Anne Costanza and the museum staff. Parents are invited to come along and help chaperone. The bus will leave TCS at 9:30 and return to school at about 11:40. The bus fee is $3 .

For Thursday:

-Math: Review for the Unit 6 Test. Topics will include long division, word problems involving division, using a protractor, classifying angles, ordered pairs, rounding numbers, and the use of parentheses in number statements. -Spelling: Written work is due. Study for the practice test. -Thursday Tutoring is from 3:00-3:45. Bring in a snack for yourself if you can.

For Wednesday:

-Math: SL 6-10, and finish the long division practice sheet you started in class today. -Reminder: Wednesday after school, 4th and 5th graders will be taking a bus to the TCA for a slideshow and presentation by Dave Hahn about climbing Mt. Everest. We'll be taking a bus down there, and I'll be attending the presentation as well. Students who want to participate will need to be picked up at the TCA at 5:30 . Bring a snack. There is no cost for this event. We'll have regular pick-up at 2:50 for students who choose not to join us.