Creative Writing: Write your own cuento

Choose one of the scary or funny characters from the folktales we’ve read (Cocos y Coconas, Creepy Cucuys, or from the My Land Sings collection) and plan your own new cuento with that character in it.

Your story should be at least 3 paragraphs long and have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Use your best grammar and handwriting, and be sure to punctuate your quotations correctly. Your cuento should teach a lesson (have a moral), or explain the origin of something. It should also be set somewhere in New Mexico, like most of the stories we’ve been reading.

After you edit your rough draft for errors in punctuation and spelling, write a flawless final draft and include an illustration of a scene in your story a-la-Amy Cordova.

Have fun with the story, and of course BE CREATIVE!

Final Draft Due: Wednesday, Oct. 7.

-For Friday (Oct. 2), do some brainstorming for your story. Start an outline, web, or story map and bring it in to school to continue.


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