
Showing posts from January, 2009

For Friday:

-Spelling: study for quiz. -Math: review for Unit 5 Test. Practice multiplication (3 by 1, and 2 by 2 using the lattice OR the old-school method), estimating w/ big numbers, adding and subtracting with decimals, in and out number machines.

Bike Trail Bake Sale!

-On Thursday, January 29th from 3:30 to 6:00 TCS students and parents from the 5th grade will be having a bake sale at Cid's to raise money to construct a new mountain bike trail on our campus. Anyone who would like to donate baked goods for this fundraiser can drop them off at school on Thursday.

Due Wednesday:

-Math: Study Links 5-10 (p. 113)


-On Tuesday, 4th graders who aren't in the ski and snowboard program will be going swimming at the TYFC. Students should remember to bring in a swimsuit, towel, $2 for pool admission, and wear warm clothes for the walk.

Ski Club Chaperones Needed:

- Due to the high number of 4th graders in the the ski/snowboard program this year, we really need 4th grade parents who ski to come along and help chaperone the kids on Tuesdays. Come join the fun, and ski for free! Please call Susan Vernon if you can help: 770-7430, or just show up ready to go at 7:30 Tuesday morning at TCS and let Coach know that you'd like to come along.

Spelling List 1/26/09

1. exponent 2. avalanche 3. debris 4. grammar 5. noun 6. subject 7. verb 8. predicate 9. adjective 10. adverb 11. facil (easy) 12. dificil (difficult) 13. En boca cerrada, no entran moscas. (A closed mouth attracts no flies.)

Ms. Erin's Spelling List 1/26/09

V/V Syllable Division ro/de/o me/te/or ge/om/e/try Ro/me/o tri/an/gle di/a/gram di/am/e/ter vi/o/lent di/a/lect hi/a/tus i/o/ta ac/tu/al e/vac/u/ate grad/u/ate I/o/wa

Over the weekend:

-Reading: Read chapters 10-14 in Island of the Blue Dolphins (up to p. 90). Remember to write a chapter title for each one and keep track of new words you find.

Spanish Spelling Bee Word List

Abrir To open Décimo Tenth galería gallery jabón soap Maravilla Marvel Actor Actor decorador decorator ganado cattle jinete rider mármol marble Adición Addition Delante Ahead ganso goose jirafa giraffe medianoche midnight Alabanza Praise Descargar To discharge Garganta Gullet joven young man mención mention Alarma Alarm destruir to destroy general general judía Jewish woman mendigo beggar Altura Height diariamente every day genio genius juez judge ...