
Showing posts from January, 2016

For Friday:

-Spelling: Study for the quiz. -Math: P. 489-490 in My Math. -Reading: Work on your 2 paragraph essay comparing/ contrasting "To the Top" and "Moonwalk" (optional). -Parents, blue re-enrollment forms went home with students today. Please fill those out and return them to school before February 4.

For Thursday:

-Spelling: Written work is due. Study for the practice quiz. -Math: Complete the Unit 6 test if you did not finish it in class today.

For Tuesday and Wednesday:

-My Math pages 397-400 (for p. 399-400, boys do the odd number items and girls do the evens). -Non skiers will be swimming or skating in the morning, and then going to the southside Guadalajara Grill for lunch. Bring $1 to swim, $2 for the bus, and about $10 for whatever you order for lunch. Parents are welcome to come join the kids for lunch at about noon. -Skiers and boarders should wear your warmest gear and be ready for a fun, but very cold day out on the mountain. See you at 7:45!

Spelling and Vocabulary 1/25/16

1. compare 2. contrast 3. fraction 4. numerator 5. denominator 6. equivalent 7. subject 8. predicate 9. sentence fragment 10. run-on sentence 11. facil (easy) 12. dificil (difficult) 13. En boca cerrada, no entran moscas. (A closed mouth attracts no flies.) ** This week's list is uploaded at Spelling City. Use your account to practice spelling and definitions.

For Monday:

-Math: Complete p. 391-392 in My Math.

For Friday:

-Math: Finish side B of the purple long division practice page.

For Thursday:

-Math: Complete p. 383-384 in My Math. Practice IXL skills E5, E7, E8, E9. -Reading: Finish up the book review and comprehension questions from "To the Top." Share your answers to the comprehension questions with me on Google Drive.

Schedule of Events for Non-Skiers:

Tuesday 1/19/15 - Swim or ice skate in AM ($1) (Will walk back to school in time to eat in the cafeteria) Weather Permitting, Geology hike East of TCS 12:30-2:00 Tuesday 1/26/15 - Swim or ice skate in AM ($1) 12:00-1:00 Eat lunch at Guad. Grill ($4 bus fee - and students pay for any food they purchase) Tuesday 2/2/15 Swim or ice skate in AM ($1)Bring a sack lunch to eat at the Taos Youth and Family Center 12:30-2:00 Hands-on enrichment activity at Twirl Tuesday 2/9/15 Swim or ice skate in AM ($1) Bring a sack lunch to eat at the Taos Youth and Family Center 12:00-2:00 Watch a movie (entire theater reserved for TCS) at the Mitchel Theater ($4 bus fee and $5 for the movie) (students pay $4.50 if they want a snack pack)

For Thursday:

-Math: Finish My Math p. 363-364. -Spelling: Written work is due. Study for the practice quiz.

For Tuesday and Wednesday:

-Math: Complete long division practice page C (the back side of your spelling list), and My Math p. 357-358. This work is due Wednesday. -Second quarter report cards and PARCC results went home with students today. Parents, please sign the blue slip and return it to school on Wednesday. -Ski and Snowboard Program will meet at school at 7:45 a.m. on Tuesday. Parents please be at school for pick-up at 5:00 p.m. If you're meeting the bus in Arroyo Seco, be at the Seco Community Center parking lot (across from the church) at 8:10. -Non-skiers: Bring a swimsuit, towel, and $2. Report to Mrs. Greywolf's class (6th grade) at 8:15 a.m.

Spelling and Vocabulary List 1/11/16

1. remainder 2. icicle 3. irregular 4. innovative 5. prosperous 6. algorithm 7. translate 8. omit 9. fascinated 10. brilliant 11. timid 12. viento (wind) 13. nieve (snow) 14. Poco a poco, se va lejos. (Little by little, you’ll go far.) ** This week's list is uploaded at Spelling City. Use your account to practice spelling and definitions.

For Friday:

-Math: Finish the B side of the long division practice page.

For Thursday:

-Math: Spend 20 minutes practicing IXL skill E4.