
Showing posts from March, 2010

NMSBA's Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

-This week, fourth graders will be taking the Reading sections of the NMSBA on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings. The homework during the testing weeks will be the following: get some fresh air and exercise after school, eat a healthy dinner, get a good night's sleep, eat a healthy breakfast, and get to school on time. Parents, please encourage your son or daughter to give their best effort on these tests so that we can get an accurate assessment of their skills.

For Monday:

-Math: MJ p. 342 on Equivalent Fractions. -Third marking period progress reports went home today with students. -New Mexico Standards-Based Assessments (NMSBA's) will start on Tuesday, March 30 with Part 1 of Reading Comprehension.

For Wednesday:

-Math: SL 7-4 -Parents, as you may know, there's no school on Friday, March 26 for Parent-Teacher Conferences. I’ve already scheduled meetings with some of you, and I meet with some parents fairly regularly, so conferences are not mandatory for all students. If I haven’t contacted you and you’d like to meet, please email me at Also, if you can’t make it Friday, but you’d still like to talk, I’m available next week after school Monday through Thursday from 3-4 p.m. I’m also happy to do phone-conferences or weekend chairlift conferences (TSV Chair 2) if that’s more convenient for you. -Teacher evaluation forms went home with students today. Parents should fill those out and return them to school no later than April 2. -Today the class received a thank you letter from Doctors Without Borders for the money they raised to help earthquake victims in Haiti.

Spelling List 3/22/10

1. Spring Equinox 2. certain 3. cite 4. factor 5. multiple 6. estimate 7. eliminate 8. equation 9. perimeter 10. area 11. opinion 12. calle (street) 13. vecino (neighbor) 14. Take the bull by the horns. Ms. Erin's Spelling List 3/22/10 ie = /e/ brief chief grief field shield thief yield be/lieve re/lieve re/trieve a/chieve fron/tier

Spring Break!

-Science Report: Several fourth graders weren't able to hand in their research papers today. They'll need to complete that work over the break. -Reading: Keep your reading comprehension skills sharp by reading for at least 20 minutes per day. Choose a novel, a non-fiction book, newspapers, or magazines. Have a fantastic spring break! Safe travels to everyone. See you on Monday, March 22.

For Friday:

-Science report: Steps 10, 11, 12, and 13 on the blue checklist.

For Thursday:

-Science report: Step 9 (final draft). Focus on writing 5 good solid paragraphs with lots of supporting details. Save the cover page, graphs, illustrations, bibliography, etc. for Thursday.

For Wednesday:

-Science Report: Steps 7 and 8 (revise and edit the rough draft).

For Tuesday:

-Science Report: Steps 6 and 7 on the blue checklist.

Spelling List 3/8/10

1. famous 2. infamous 3. accumulate 4. ruthless 5. conceal 6. pursue 7. peasant 8. dismayed 9. license 10. accomplishment 11. deportes (sports) 12. baloncesto (basketball) 13. Do onto others as you would have them do onto you.

Ms. Erin's Spelling List 3/8/10

VC/CCV an/gry chil/dren con/flict dis/tant ex/tra frus/trate hun/dred hun/gry mem/brane os/trich pil/grim sim/ply tun/dra

Over the weekend:

-Science: Steps 2, 3, 4 on the blue checklist. Five paragraph RD is due Monday.

For Friday:

-Science: Report outline is due. Ms. Susan's National Geographic assignment through question #9 is due. -Spelling: Study for the quiz. -Math: Review long division, measuring angles, and division word problems for the Unit 6 test.

For Thursday:

-Science: Step 1 on the blue sheet. Finish reading, research, and note-taking. Start working on the outline for a 5 paragraph report. Outlines will be checked on Friday. -Spelling: Written work due. Study for the practice quiz.

For Tuesday and Wednesday:

-Science: Continue working on step 5 of the tan sheet (research, read, and take notes on your report topic).

Spelling List 3/1/10

1. numerator 2. denominator 3. dynasty 4. ancient 5. emperor 6. tyrant 7. immortal 8. luxurious 9. scholar 10. oasis 11. tierra (earth) 12. agua (water) 13. fuego(fire) 14. Still waters run deep.

Ms. Erin's Spelling List 3/1/10

/shun/ = sion per/mis/sion ad/mis/sion sus/pen/sion ex/ten/sion dis/cus/sion pro/fes/sion ex/pres/sion /zhun/ = sion con/fu/sion in/va/sion e/ro/sion con/clu/sion ex/plo/sion