-Reading: Finish up the Superfudge book review and comprehension questions to hand in on Tuesday. Proofread your work for mistakes in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar. -Field Trip: Permission slips went home today for our Friday trip to Mesa Prieta, an archaeological preserve near Velarde. The class will have the opportunity to tour the preserve and study the many petroglyphs of Mesa Prieta that date back over 7,000 years of New Mexico history. The Taos Archaeological Society has been kind enough to fund the trip so there is no cost to students. We will leave school around 8:30 and return by 1:00. Please make sure your child dresses for the weather, and has the following: comfortable hiking shoes or sneakers, hat, sunscreen, sack lunch, snack, a backpack, and a water bottle or 2. I also suggest wearing jeans on Friday because there is some low cactus on the trails. **We may miss the afternoon buses, so students will need to be picked up at 1:00, or plan to carpoo...