Over the long weekend:
-Math: Complete p. 701-702 in My Math. Practice IXL skills N1, N2, N3. -Reading: Read the next 2 chapters in Everything on a Waffle ("What Miss Bowzer Knew," and "I Lose All My Sweaters"), and write a summary for each. Keep track of new words on the vocabulary list at the end of your summary packet. Try out one of the recipes at home over the weekend if you want, but be sure to ask a parent FIRST. -Field Trip Tuesday: On Tuesday, April 3, the fourth grade class will be taking a field trip to the Poeh Culural Center in Pojoauque. During the morning, we’ll tour the center and participate in an art activity. In the afternoon, we’ll have a picnic lunch, and then go for a hike on the way back to Taos. Students should dress for a hike, and wear sturdy sneakers. They should also bring a small backpack with lunch, and a water bottle. The trip will cost $8 for bus transportation. Please send cash, or an $8 check made out to the school. Ms. Woodall arranged our visit ...