Parents, progress reports for the first marking period will go home with students on Thursday. There's no school on Friday, October 30th for Parent-Teacher Conferences. I’ve already scheduled meetings with some of you, and I meet with some parents fairly regularly, so conferences are not mandatory for all students at this time. If I haven’t contacted you and you’d like to meet, email me at to make an appointment. I’m also available to meet after school from 3-4 pm in the coming weeks, if that works better for you. Students may wear or bring Halloween costumes on Thursday if they want to. Please no fake weapons like axes, swords, knives. At 1:45 pm, grades K-4th will have a costume parade outside at the basketball courts. Parents are invited. Afterward, weather permitting, we'll have an outside party. Students are welcome to bring in a healthy snack to share with the class. No candy or soda, please.