
Showing posts from March, 2013

NMSBA Testing is complete!

-After 2 long weeks, the class is now finished with all 9 sessions of this year's state-mandated testing. They stayed focused and worked hard throughout, and deserve the long weekend they have coming up. We'll see you on Wednesday. -Parents, there's no school on Friday, April 5th for parent-teacher conferences. I’ve already scheduled meetings with some of you, and I meet with some parents fairly regularly, so conferences are not mandatory for all students at this point in the school-year. If I haven’t contacted you and there's something you'd like to discuss, please email me at to make an appointment.

For Wednesday:

-On Wednesday morning, the class will be taking Sessions 1 and 2 of the NMSBA Science test. Please bring in a healthy snack to eat during the break in-between tests.

Over the weekend:

-Progress reports for the 3rd quarter went home with students today. -Math: Get ready for the NMSBA Math Sessions 2 and 3 by logging into your IXL account and reviewing/ practicing as many different 4th grade skills as you can. When you miss an item, be sure to read the explanation. They're really helpful! -NMSBA schedule for next week: Monday: Math 2. Tuesday: Math 3. Wednesday: Science 1 & 2. Thursday: Science 3.

For Wednesday, Thursday, Friday:

-NMSBA Reading Session #2 will be on Wednesday morning. Reading Session 3 will be on Thursday, and Math Session 1 will be Friday. Testing night assignments: Get some exercise and fresh air after school, eat a healthy dinner, get a good night's sleep, eat a healthy breakfast, and be at school on-time. See the green "Test Prep Tips and Strategies" sheet for more ideas.

NMSBA testing starts next week

Starting Tuesday, March 19, and continuing until March 28, the class will be taking the New Mexico Standards-Based Assessments in Reading, Math, and Science. During that time-frame, we’ll be taking the 7 sessions of the assessment Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings before lunch each day. Please make sure your daughter or son is present, on-time, and well-rested every day during testing. So that we get a true assessment of skills, please encourage your child to give their best effort in these tests. Good nutrition, a positive attitude, and getting enough sleep are vital to test success. -Math: SL 8-5 (p. 183) is due Monday. Practice area and perimeter problems on, skills P.17, P.18, P.19, P.20.

For Friday:

-Math: SL 8-4 (p. 181), and go to to practice finding the area of shapes on 4th grade skill P.18. -Spelling: Study for the quiz. Take a practice quiz at home since we didn't have time to take one today in class.

For Thursday:

-Math: SL 8-3 (p. 119). -Spelling: Written work is due. Study for the practice quiz.

For Wednesday:

-Math: SL 8-2 (p. 177) if you didn't finish it in class today. Also, practice perimeter problems on IXL using 4th grade skill P.17. -Reading Club will meet as usual on Wednesday after school from 3:00 to 3:45.

Fot Tuesday:

-Math: SL 8-1 (p. 175), and deliver the Unit 8 family letter.

Spelling & Vocabulary List 3/11/13

1. area 2. perimeter 3. ancient 4. emperor 5. dynasty 6. tyrant 7. oasis 8. pristine 9. shrewd 10. doubt 11. azul (blue) 12. verde (green) 13. Still waters run deep.

Have a great Spring Break! See you March 11th

-Science: Option B students should complete the final draft of your science report over the break. See your checklist for the specific requirements. Be ready to present and hand in your report on Monday, March 11. -Math: Log into your IXL account over break to keep your math skills sharp. -Reading: Keep up with your DEAR habit of reading for at least 20 minutes a day.