
Showing posts from January, 2012

For Tuesday/ Wednesday:

-Math: Complete both sides of the yellow long division practice sheet. -Writing: Bring in the mailing address of an out-of-town friend or family member for our friendly letter writing project. -Non Skiers will be swimming on Tuesday at TYFC from 10-11. Students should bring a swimsuit, towel, and $2 for pool admission.

Spelling List 1/30/12

1. February 2. conjunction 3. excessive 4. cuisine 5. liter 6. milliliter 7. conflict 8. concur 9. necessities 10. comrade 11. antagonize 12. pero (but) 13. para (for) 14. One picture is worth a thousand words.

For Friday:

-Math: SL 6-7 and 6-8 (p. 133 & 135). Use the two "Practice Measuring Angles" websites in the links. -Spelling: Study for the Friday quiz.

For Thursday:

-Spelling: Written work is due. Study for the practice quiz. - Re-enrollment Forms for next year: So far, I've received re-enrollment forms from all but the following students -- Cody, Kelden, Kaili, Andrew. Please send those in as soon as possible.

Spelling List 1/23/12

1. pronoun 2. icicle 3. irregular 4. atrocious 5. innovative 6. prosperous 7. translate 8. million 9. billion 10. gradually 11. Tengo hambre. (I’m hungry.) 12. Tengo sed. (I’m thirsty.) 13. Poco a poco, se va lejos. (Little by little, you’ll go far.)

Over the weekend:

-Math: SL 6-5, and finish rows G and H on the yellow long division sheet. -On Tuesday, January 24, the 4th graders who aren’t in Ski Club will walk down to the Youth and Family Center to go swimming from 10-11. Students should bring a swimsuit, towel, lunch, and $2 for pool admission. They’ll eat lunch at the TYFC and then take a bus to the Harwood Museum for an art activity from 12:00-1:30. We need a parent or two to come along and help chaperone the swimming and/ or the museum visit if you’d like to join us. The non-skiers will be taking similar trips every Tuesday until February 14. New school rules require us to have at least one parent chaperone per class for all field trips. If chaperones aren't available, we’ll have to cancel the trip, so please plan to come along one or more weeks if you can make it.

For Friday:

-Math: Finish rows E and F on the yellow long division sheet. Remainders should be shown as fractions. -The final and championship rounds of our school-level Geography Bee will be held in the cafeteria at 1:00. Our school winner can qualify to move on to the State-Level Geo-Bee in April. Go Lachlan!

For Thursday:

-Math: SL 6-4 -Spelling: Written work due. Study for the practice quiz. -After school tutoring: Due to a scheduling problem, we won't be having Wednesday Reading Club until further notice. Math Club will continue to meet as usual on Thursdays from 3:00-3:45. Sorry for the confusion.

For Tuesday:

-2nd Quarter Progress Reports were sent home with students today. Please sign and return the blue slip to verify that you received it. -Ski Club kids should be at school by 7:50 a.m on Tuesday to catch the bus. We'll return to TCS at 5:00. -Non skiers will be swimming at the TYFC on Tuesday morning and taking a field trip to the Millicent Rogers Museum in the afternoon. We need a parent chaperone or 2 to come with us for the swimming and/or the museum visit (10 to 11 at the pool, 12 to 1:30 at the MRM). Please let me know if you can make it.

Spelling Words 1/17/12

1. collapse 2. phrase 3. estimate 4. exact 5. boundary 6. cease 7. contribute 8. advantage 9. disadvantage 10. fluent 11. hombre (man) 12. mujer (woman) 13. The thousand mile journey begins with a single step.

For Friday:

-Math: Study Links 6-3 (p. 125) -Creative Writing: Final draft of your New Years Essay is due. -Geography Bee: 1:00pm in the cafeteria. Parents are invited. -Non skiers will be swimming at the TYFC on Tuesday morning and taking a field trip to the Millicent Rogers Museum in the afternoon. We need a parent chaperone or 2 to come with us for the swimming and/or the museum visit (10 to 11 at the pool, 12 to 1:30 at the MRM). Please let me know if you can make it.

For Thursday:

-Spelling: Written work is due. Study for the practice quiz. -Creative Writing: Complete the RD of your New Year Essay. -Math Club is on for Thursday from 3:00 to 3:45.

Mr. G's Group

Reading This week, for Mr. G’s Literature Circle class, students will be reading, “A Laugh a Minute” The story is available online under the Fun Educational Links, Storytown Advanced Readers Booklet Collection. The story is listed as Lesson 1. Students need to complete the reading of the story by Thursday, January 1st. Math Proceed through Unit 7. Be sure to come Thursday with any questions concerning the material. Thank you, Rich Greywolf

For Wednesday:

-Creative Writing: Continue working on the planning of your New Year Hopes essay. Start writing the rough draft if you're ready. See the prompt sheet for all the details. -Geo Bee: Participants and alternates should be preparing for the competition using atlases, almanacs, and geography-related websites.

For Tuesday:

-Math: SL 6-1 (p. 121), and deliver the Unit 6 parent letter. -Reading: Finish writing your Winter Break Book Review if you didn't complete it in class today. -Free Breakfast!: TCS is now serving free breakfast everyday to all students. If you'd like to participate, please plan to arrive by 8:00 so you can eat in the cafeteria before class starts. -Geo Bee: Our school-level Geography Bee will be held at 1:00 on Friday in the cafeteria. Parents are invited to attend.

Spelling Words 1/9/12

1. prefix 2. suffix 3. root word 4. reappeared 5. centennial 6. surrender 7. sympathy 8. genuine 9. imitation 10. dishonesty 11. resolution 12. lapiz (pencil) 13. cuaderno (notebook) 14. There’s no time like the present.