
Showing posts from September, 2009

No school on Wednesday!

-Happy San Geronimo Day! -Due Thursday: Written spelling work. -Unit 2 Math Test on Thursday.

Due Tuesday:

-Math: SL 2-9 (p. 39-40)

Spelling List 9/28/09

1. meter 2. kilometer 3. heritage 4. origin 5. vertical 6. horizontal 7. folklore 8. judge 9. grudge 10. trudge 11. opposite 12. similar 13. otono (autumn) 14. jugar (to play) 15. Bury the hatchet

Ms. Erin's Spelling List 9/28/09

y= /e/ clum/sy cris/py draf/ty han/dy mus/ty fog/gy shab/by twen/ty ug/ly na/vy i/vy cro/ny

Over the weekend:

-Math: SL 2-8 (p. 37)

For Thursday:

-Spelling: Written work due. Study for the practice quiz. -Reading: Re-draft those chapter summaries if you were asked to. -RMYC campout paperwork is due Thursday for Shade, Elena, Jens, Margot, Leif, and Erin.

For Wednesday:

-Math: SL 2-7 (p. 35-36). -Reading: Proofread your Superfudge chapter summaries. Fix any errors in spelling, capitalization, or grammar. These are due on Wednesday. -Individual student portraits will be taken on Wednesday.

Five Week Progress Reports

-The mid-quarter progress reports were given out to students today.

Due Tuesday:

-Math: SL 2-6 (p. 33)

Spelling List 9/21/09

1. Autumn Equinox 2. Constitution 3. amendment 4. sum 5. difference 6. product 7. quotient 8. summit 9. climb 10. character 11. abuelo/ abuela (grandfather/ grandmother) 12. cuentos (old stories or folklore) 13. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

Ms. Erin's Spelling List 9/21/09

oo droop gloom mood proof smooth soon swoop tooth troop noodle

Over the weekend:

-Math: SL 2-5 (p. 31)

For Thursday:

-Spelling: Written work due. Study for the quiz. -Language Arts: Take the "Your/ You're Quiz" in the links to prep for a usage quiz. Keep taking it until you get a 100%.

Due Wednesday:

-Math: SL 2-4 (p. 29)

Spelling List 9/14/09

1. maximum 2. minimum 3. range 4. mode 5. median 6. accelerate 7. your 8. you’re 9. erosion 10. plateau 11. Taos Charter School 12. arriba (up) 13. abajo (down) 14. Beauty is only skin deep.

Ms. Erin's Spelling List 9/14/09

/shun/ = tion ac/tion fic/tion frac/tion men/tion op/tion na/tion mo/tion sta/tion dis/rup/tion in/ven/tion for/ma/tion star/va/tion so/lu/tion lo/ca/tion ed/u/ca/tion in/tro/duc/tion ex/plor/a/tion pop/u/la/tion who what why

For Friday:

-Math: SL 2-3 (p. 25) -Spelling: Study for the Friday quiz.

Due Thursday:

-Math: SL 2-1 (p. 23), and students should deliver the parent letter for Unit 2. -Spelling: Written work due. Study for practice quiz.

Spelling List 9/8/09

1. hurricane 2. mountain 3. novel 4. fiction 5. non-fiction 6. improvement 7. are 8. our 9. hour 10. laugh 11. Albuquerque , New Mexico 12. joven (young) 13. viejo (old) 14. Break the ice Ms. Erin's List ture= /cher/ cul/ture fu/ture ad/ven/ture de/par/ture lec/ture na/ture pic/ture sculp/ture tor/ture ac/u/punc/ture

For Friday:

-Math: Prepare for the Unit 1 test on Friday by reviewing SRB p. 90-100. -Spelling: Study for the quiz.

For Thursday:

-Math: SL 1-8 (p. 17) -Spelling: Written work due. Study for the practice quiz.

Due Wednesday:

-Math: SL 1-7 (p. 15) -Lunch Forms: We still don't have completed lunch forms for Kevin, Ryan, Teo, Forest, and Feury. Please get those into school as soon as you can.