
Showing posts from January, 2014

Over the weekend:

-Math: Practice IXL skills E.1, E.2, and E.3 -Reading: Use Lexia for 20-30 minutes.

For Thursday:

-Spelling: Written work is due. Study for the practice quiz, and use your account at Spelling City to practice the words and definitions with games and activities. -Parents, re-enrollment forms for next year went home with students today. Please fill those out and return them to school by February 7th.

For Tuesday and Wednesday:

-Math: Study Links 5-11 (p. 115), and practice IXL skills D.10 to D.18 -Reading: Complete the Book Review and comprehension questions from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory that you started in class today. I'll collect those and the chapter summaries on Wednesday. -Ski Club participants should be at school ready to go at 7:45 a.m. on Tuesday. Remember to bring your own lunch, or money to buy lunch at the TSV cafeteria. The bus will return to TCS at 5:00 p.m. Please be prompt. Non-skiers will be swimming at the TYFC from 10:30-11:30 a.m., so bring a swimsuit, towel, and $2 for entry to the pool.

Spelling and Vocabulary List 1/27/14

1. avalanche 2. debris 3. February 4. quotient 5. electricity 6. circuit 7. appointment 8. noun 9. subject 10. verb 11. predicate 12. facil (easy) 13. dificil (difficult) 14. En boca cerrada, no entran moscas. (A closed mouth attracts no flies.) **This week's list is posted on the Spelling City website for you to practice the words online using games and quizzes.

Over the weekend:

-Reading: Read the remaining chapters of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, completing the novel. Write a brief summary of each chapter.

For Friday:

-Math: Study Links 5-10 (p. 113), and practice IXL skills D.10 to D.18 -Reading: Read chapters 19-22 (p.87-106) in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory , and write a brief summary of each chapter.

Over the long weekend:

-Math: Finish sides C and D of the newest lattice multiplication practice sheet (3x3 and 4x4). Practice skills D.10 to D.18 at IXL Math. -Reading: Read chapters 8-16 (p.29-68) in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory , and write a brief summary of each chapter on your yellow sheet. Continue farther into the novel if you want to. -Ski Club participants should be at school ready to go at 7:45 a.m. on Tuesday. Remember to bring your own lunch, or money to buy lunch at the TSV cafeteria. The bus will return to TCS at 5:00 p.m. Please be prompt. Non-skiers will be swimming at the TYFC from 10:30-11:30 a.m., so bring a swimsuit, towel, and $2 for entry to the pool.

For Friday:

-Math: Finish both sides of the lattice multiplication practice sheet. -Ski Club: Parents, please read the letter/ parent poll from Coach regarding the bus situation on ski days, and return it to school on Friday with your child.

For Thursday:

-Math: Study Links 5-7 (p. 107), and teach your parents how to do lattice multiplication. -Spelling: Written work is due. Study for the practice test.

For Tuesday and Wednesday

-Math: Finish rows 5, 6, and 7 on the 3digit x 3digit multiplication practice sheet. -Parents, second quarter progress reports went home with students today. The report is yours to keep. Please detach and sign the tan slip to verify that you received the report, and send that back to school with your child on Wednesday. -Ski Club participants should be at school ready to go at 7:45 a.m. on Tuesday. Remember to bring your own lunch, or money to buy lunch at the TSV cafeteria. The bus will return to TCS at 5:00 p.m. Please be prompt. Non-skiers will be swimming at the TYFC from 10:30-11:30 a.m., so bring a swimsuit, towel, and $2 for entry to the pool.

Spelling and Vocabulary 1/13/14

1. gradually 2. icicle 3. irregular 4. innovative 5. prosperous 6. translate 7. omit 8. fascinated 9. brilliant 10. timid 11. Tengo hambre. (I’m hungry.) 12. Tengo sed. (I’m thirsty.) 13. Poco a poco, se va lejos. (Little by little, you’ll go far.)

Over the weekend:

-Creative Writing: 1.) Finish writing the rough draft of your 4 paragraph New Years Essay. 2.) Have a parent or older sibling proofread it for you. 3.) Revise and edit your rough draft. Fix all the mistakes in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar. Say more. Expand your thoughts. Grow your paragraphs, but DON'T start the final draft. Bring your edited rough draft into school on Monday, and you'll write the final draft in class. -Report cards: Due to technical technicalities with the school server, I was unable to print the 2nd marking period progress reports today, but luckily (for some), I have backup copies on my home PC. I'll finish them over the weekend and send them home with students on Monday.

For Friday!

-Spelling: Study for the quiz. -Creative Writing: Write the 4 paragraph rough draft of your New Years Essay. -Fun Friday!: In late December, the 4th grade achieved a goal in multiplication. They hit a class average of 87% on a three-minute, 50 fact test! To celebrate, we're having a Fun Friday , January 10 (as promised). We'll be swimming at the TYFC in the morning, and have popcorn and a movie in class in the afternoon. Parents are invited to come along if you'd like to help chaperone the swim. We'll leave school at about 9:30 a.m. and arrive at the pool by about 9:50. We have the pool reserved from 10:00-11:00. Parents can join us for the walk or just meet us down there. Students should bring a swimsuit, towel, and $2 for pool admission. Bring in a G-rated dvd if you have any, and the class will vote on their choice to watch on our big screen projector after lunch.

For Thursday:

-Math: Complete rows C and D on the 2digit x 2digit practice sheet. -Spelling: Written work is due. Study for the practice quiz. -Creative Writing: Re-read the New Years Essay prompt, and spend 10-15 minutes thinking about your responses and planning your essay on the pre-writing web that you began in class today. We'll start the rough draft in class on Thursday. -Parents, please sign the Town of Taos waiver form so your son or daughter can go swimming at the TYFC on Friday.

For Wednesday:

-Math: Study Links 5-6 (p. 105) -Spelling: This week's list is up at Spelling City. Log into your account to practice the spelling and meaning of each word. There are a few new games to check out! -Reading: Finish up the Winter Break Book Review that you started in class today.

Spelling and Vocabulary List 1/7/14

1. prefix 2. suffix 3. root word 4. reappeared 5. dishonesty 6. international 7. surrender 8. sympathy 9. genuine 10. imitation 11. resolution 12. lapiz (pencil) 13. cuaderno (notebook) 14. There’s no time like the present.