
Showing posts from September, 2012

Over the long weekend:

-Math: Study Links 3-3 (p. 49), and take 50 Fact Test 2. Give yourself 5 minutes for the test. Don't correct it - we'll do that on Monday. -History/ Civics: Re-read "The Constitution Explained" handout that we discussed in class today. Choose and circle your favorite amendment, the one you think is the most important or interesting. Bring the handout into school Monday.

For Thursday:

-Math: Study Links 3-2 (p. 47), and deliver the Unit 3 family letter. -Spelling: Written work is due. Study for the quiz. Take a practice quiz at home tonight if you can.

For Wednesday:

-Math: Study Links 3-1 (p. 45) -School pictures: The photographers were running late, and only got through about half of the 4th grade today. The rest will be taken on Wednesday.


-Tuesday is photo day for grades 1, 3, 4, and 6. So look your best! -There's a parent meeting/ open house for grades 3, 4, and 5 on Tuesday from 5-6 p.m.

Spelling List 9/24/12

1. factor 2. product 3. multiple 4. Constitution 5. amendment 6. Bill of Rights 7. suffrage 8. favorite 9. evacuate 10. translate 11. abuelo/ abuela (grandfather/ grandmother) 12. hermano/ hermana (brother/ sister) 13. Barking up the wrong tree

For Friday:

-Math: Study Links 2-8 (p. 37) -Spelling: Study for the quiz. -Open House: Grades 3, 4, and 5 will be having a parent meeting on Tuesday, September 25 at 5:00 p.m. We’ll discuss curriculum, activities, homework procedures, grading, and I’ll answer any questions that you may have. I hope to see you all here. -Field Trip: I’m planning an all day hiking field trip for Thursday, October 4th. Parents are invited to come along and help chaperone. Please let me know if you can make it. I’ll send home permission slips and more information on the trip next week. -Progress Reports: 5 week (mid-quarter) progress reports will be sent home with students on Friday.

For Wednesday:

-Math: SL 2-7 (p. 35 and 36)

For Tuesday:

-Math: Study Links 2-6 (p. 33)

Spelling Words 9/17/12

1. Autumn Equinox 2. latitude 3. longitude 4. Equator 5. Prime Meridian 6. hemisphere 7. median 8. mode 9. contagious 10. character 11. estudiante (student) 12. escuela (school) 13. When it rains, it pours.

For Friday:

-Math: Study links 2-4 (p. 29) -Spelling: Study for the quiz.

For Thursday:

-Math: Study Links 2-3 (p. 27) -Spelling: Written work is due. Study for the practice quiz.

For Wednesday:

-Math: Study Links 2-1 and 2-2 (p. 23 and 25), and deliver the Unit 2 parent letter.

GRT Early Voting

-Parents, All Taos County public schools, including TCS, stand to gain much-needed funding if the County Gross Receipts Tax passes its re-imposition vote. Early voting is taking place until September 15 at the County Clerk's Office at 105 Albright from 8-5. I encourage parents and citizens who support public education to get out and vote in favor of this funding. Please help us spread the word.

Spelling List 9/10/12

1. maximum 2. minimum 3. range 4. hundred 5. thousand 6. accelerate 7. your 8. you’re 9. erosion 10. plateau 11. Taos Charter School 12. arriba (up) 13. abajo (down) 14. Beauty is only skin deep.

Over the weekend:

-Reading: Read pages 19 to 38 in Superfudge. Write a summary for chapters 2 and 3 on your orange summary sheets. Students who rode Bus 24 today will have to wait until Monday to complete this work.

For Friday:

-Math: SL 1-8 (p. 17) -Spelling: Study for the quiz. -Re-enrollment forms went home with returning student students today (our new students have already filled these out). Parents, please fill out and sign those and send them back to school as soon as possible.

For Thursday:

-Math: Study Links 1-7 (p. 15) -Spelling: Written work is due. Study for the practice quiz.

Spelling List 9/4/12

1. hurricane 2. mountain 3. novel 4. fiction 5. non-fiction 6. improvement 7. are 8. our 9. hour 10. laugh 11. Albuquerque, New Mexico 12. joven (young) 13. viejo (old) 14. Break the ice